Monday 1 July 2013

Happy Canada Day!!

Hello everyone!!

Today (well when you read this it will be, but I'm writing this a day in advance..) is July 1st or for us here in the Great White North it's Canada Day! This is the equivalent of the Fourth of July back home in the U.S. There's always so much to do and to see here in Toronto; but ever since I moved here back in 2007, we (my hubby and our friends) have sort of made our own tradition. We all like to get together for a BBQ at Lakeshore every year (or just about every year) and we have tons of good food, great conversation, and of course fireworks! It's always an awesome time, and it's a way for all of us to get together and hang out. (we don't get to see everyone very often, because unfortunately life gets really busy sometimes..) We go in the late afternoon/early evening; usually someone is already there to claim our favourite spot since it can get quite packed. We set up the BBQ and get the food going so we can eat before it gets dark. Then the guys usually go off and find some wood to make a fire. (we have a nice fire pit at our spot) we set up the chairs and light the fire and wait for night to fall. Around 9 or 10 we break out the fireworks (which my hubby and I supply, because my hubby is a pyromaniac.. not really but he likes the fireworks ha ha) We like to sit out on the rocks and shoot our fireworks out over Lake Ontario and its just the perfect backdrop for the show, with Downtown Toronto in the background... We end the night by sitting around the fire and just having random conversations. In general Lakeshore is one of my all time favourite places in this city to be; I come from the Bay Area, (Northern California) so I'm used to always being near the water and if I'm ever feeling homesick I can come here and feel a little closer to home. Plus I love the water and I'm practically a fish HA HA HA! Any ways! A lot of found memories have been made over the years and I can't wait to make some more this Canada Day! 

Please ignore the time stamp on these 2 photos.. This was from Canada Day 2007

Canada Day 2010

Canada Day 2011

I look like a mess lol P.S. I'm naturally a Blonde, but around September of 2011
 I coloured my hair for the first time!

My hubby the grill master

They wanted to use this as fire wood!!
We just ended up using it to sit on ha ha

Our crazy friend Andrew jumping over the fire!

Canada Day 2012

I think we missed Canada Day 2008 & 2009 because my hubby was working the holiday.. So there was no BBQ those years....BOO! 
That's it for now!
What is your country's big holiday?
Where do you like to celebrate?


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