Tuesday 9 July 2013

Food Adventures! (Dinner Time)

Hey everyone!

Today my hubby and I decided to try something different for dinner. I'm so obsessed with Pinterest and I have a ton of yummy recipes pinned, but recently I found a yummy looking recipe on YouTube by deeelizioso; who I found through one of my all time favourite beauty gurus, the amazingly stunning Shannon from shaaanxo (total Woman Crush!!!! She is so GORGEOUS and her make up is always so flawless! Also her tutorials are so well done and very thorough.. I love her vlogs and random videos as well!) any way, when I stumbled upon this recipe I knew I had to try it and I knew it would be something that my hubby would love! (and of course he did! He's about to get seconds as I write this..) I will post the link to the original video somewhere in the bottom of this post if you'd like to see, I differed only slightly from the original recipe and I'll post what I used and what I did here... The recipe is for a Beef, Tomato, and Mushroom Pot Pie...

This made 5 good sized servings...


  • I used about 0.500 kg (about 1lb) of boneless stewing beef 
  • half of a red onion
  • about 2 & 1/2 tsp of crushed garlic
  • 227g (about 1 cup) of fresh whole white mushrooms 
  • 1 tsp of dried thyme
  • 1 and 1/2 tbsp of tomato paste
  • 1 540 ml (18.26 fluid oz.) can of  herb and spices diced tomatoes (I poured some of the liquid out first because my can was a little bigger than called for in the original recipe)
  • some cornstarch (I eye balled this, I felt ours turned out a little runny at first, so I just added a little at a time until it was the consistency that I wanted)
  • 379g (about 13 ounces) of Tenderflake brand frozen puff pastry
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
(I just now realized that we forgot to add pepper... ha ha oops!)

So I chopped the onion and mushrooms and set them aside. I put the olive oil into a large skillet pan and heated it on medium heat. Then I cut my beef into smaller pieces and put it to the side. After my pan was hot enough I added the mushrooms and onions and let them fry for about 1-2 minutes. Next add the meat and cook it until slightly brown and add the garlic and thyme. Stir in the tomato paste and then add the tomatoes, then turn the heat down a bit and let it all simmer for about 7-8 minutes stirring it occasionally.. As that was simmering I rolled out my puff pastry on the cutting board (I lightly floured the surface first) and I cut the pastry to fit the inside of the dish (I used a 1.4 L or 1 & 1/2 qt. white stoneware dish) because my hubby requested pastry on the inside of the pie as well as the top. Then I roughly measured the rest of the pastry for the top crust and set it aside. I went back and noticed that my beef mixture wasn't all that thickened, so little by little I added some cornstarch to thicken it up until it was just right.. (I grew up watching my dad cook, so I learned a lot of things from him and I feel like as much as cooking can be a science, it's just as much an art form and you really need good intuition/instincts.. I don't always follow a recipe to the letter, I add or subtract when ever I feel it necessary.. Cooking is basically in my blood and I'm pretty good at it in my opinion and everyone always loves everything I've ever made) After my mixture was nice and thick I spooned it into my dish and placed the top crust onto it, cracked my egg and lightly beat it and then I brushed the top and sides of the crust with the egg.. I preheated my oven to 200 C (392 F) and put the pie in the oven for 20 minutes. The end result was so delicious! Next time my hubby and I are going to use chicken and add some spices we like to make it our own.. This is definitely going to be a regularly made dish for our family! 

That's all for now!!
Do you have a delicious new recipe to try?
Or do you have any ideas of things that I may want to try out?


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