Friday 5 July 2013

Niagara Falls! (Flash Back Friday: Summer 2011)

Hey there!

This post is a little different from what I've been doing; and normally I wouldn't really do a throw back or flash back or whatever you want to call it kind of post, but I am seriously longing for a get away or some sort of vacation right now... Unfortunately, we probably won't be going on any kind of holiday this year... That my friends, definitely sucks and makes me kind of sad... SO I decided to recall one of the best Summers EVER! and write a post about one of my all time favourite places to be! 2011 was a very memorable and completely EPIC Summer! We did so much and I got to spend time with my family back home and see one of my cousins get married. In June we spent a week in California; and we went to the Oakland Zoo, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, (one of my most favourite childhood places) the movies, shopping, up to Sacramento for my cousins wedding and we just hung out with friends and family. It was so much fun! Then in July we had our annual Canada Day party/get together at Lakeshore with our friends and like always it was a blast. (I think we also might have gone to Dave and Busters and some other places in the mix) Finally the Epic finale to our amazing Summer, in August we went to Niagara Falls for four days and I just can't get enough of that place! It's so beautiful and peaceful and I could just sit by the falls all day and just watch the water fall. [Did I mention how much I LOVE the water?!] If you are anywhere close to Niagara Falls Ontario, I HIGHLY recommend you go and have a visit! It is truly beyond words, and there is just so much to see and do on the Canadian side! Plus we have a spectacular view of both the American and Horse Shoe Falls and at night time they illuminate the falls in a rainbow of colours and I just love it. Also on I believe Fridays and Saturdays they have fireworks at 10 pm! If you are looking for fun things to do besides looking at the water, I suggest you take a stroll down Clifton Hill! There are numerous amounts of things to do and see, and not just for kids either. They have a huge arcade, tons of various types of shops, a Dave and Busters, two or three mini golf courses, a bowling alley, night clubs, bars, restaurants, wax museums and the Sky Wheel. There are also casinos, the Planet Hollywood, Hard Rock Cafe and the Skylon Tower. (just to name a few places) Just writing all these things out is making me imagine it in my head and now I really want to go! [ha ha] There are many different hotels, motels and inns to choose from, so it's definitely a small vacation that can fit in almost any budget. If for some reason you don't feel like staying more than a day; there are plenty of paid parking places, so you can just pay for the day and park your car. (Niagara Falls/ Clifton Hill and that whole area is better if you walk it rather than drive... My hubby and I only drive to the falls and then we hardly use our car unless we need some groceries or something that isn't really within walking distance) I didn't put down everything there is to do there, simply because there is SO much to do and this would end up being a long book instead a blog post. [not even exaggerating...] Which is one of the reasons we like to go for a few days at a time, I don't always have a solid plan of what we are going to do when we go, but I do have an idea of the things we want to do and when we get there we usually map out the things we want to do most. Since we only have about 4 days, I like to cram as much fun into our mini vacation as I possibly can! We end up tired and sore at the end of the day from so much walking, but its absolutely worth it! I'm feeling all nostalgic and sad at the same time, because I really want to go! Who knows? This Summer is just starting and plans could change! 

That's all for now!
Where is your favourite place to go and have a mini vacation?
(sorry if that was a lot of photos, it's really only a small snip it of the five to six hundred photos I took during our stay!)


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