Monday 8 July 2013

Power Outage

Hey everyone!

It's been pouring rain here with thunder and lightning, and currently we've been without power for almost three hours now.. Apparently just about the entire city and surrounding areas are without power and there's a lot of flooding all over... I'm not too sure when it'll be back on; I'm writing this on my iPhone, because without power there is no Internet/wifi so I have to rely on my 3G... I still wanted to post something though, and I hope everyone here in Toronto and the surrounding areas stays safe and dry! I'm  just sitting here listening to music and hanging out in the dark lol anyway sorry about the short post, just making the best of a less than amazing situation... 

These are photos of my backyard.. it got pretty flooded and since the power was out I had to use my iphone because I wouldn't be able to upload any photos on this post from my camera until the power was back on...

I hope that where ever you are, you're having a good Summer and if you've got the sunshine feel free to send it up my way! Ha ha! 

[Our power finally came back on around 11 pm.. (Eastern Time)]


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