Sunday 28 July 2013

Video Games I'm Currently Playing!

Hey there!

I have a decent collection of games that I've been accumulating ever since I was a kid... I've traded in quite a few over the years, and looking back there were a few that I gave up that I kinda wish I hadn't... I'm sort of the person who buys a game and plays the hell out of it, then leaves it for a while and plays it all over again.. So even though I may have many games, they all get played, maybe not equally, because I have a few games that I will play over and over until the end of time (not even exaggerating) none the less I do play all of my games... I'm currently replaying Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX and I find it's always fun to replay games you haven't played in years, because if you have a goldfish mind like I do, you forget a lot of the game play (not so much the general story but more of the specific details) it's interesting and fun to rediscover the game! My hubby and I were reeeeeeeeeeeeeally late on the whole Borderlands bandwagon... (We picked it up around the end of the Summer last year.. I think?) We were really into it; but unfortunately for it, we picked it up at a rather inopportune time; and we dropped that game so fast that no one could blink, because Resident Evil 6 had just come out and I was all over that! (My hubby and I played that game relentlessly and we ended up beating it several times and we got the platinum trophy for it.. It's an EPIC game and if you haven't played it you MUST!) Then I got him Family Guy Back to the Multiverse and we played that for a while until we beat everything and got the platinum, (Also a good game) so now FINALLY we are getting back into playing it! (I got him the second one for Christmas and we have yet to even install the game....) [hangs head in shame] LOL I'm also playing Mario Bros. 3 here and there (because I grew up playing Nintendo/Super Nintendo and Mario will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart!) and every once in a while I'll break out my all time favourite Final Fantasy VI and play it for the millionth time, because I freaking love it and to me the game never gets old! 

Some other games I play over and over:

  • Final Fantasy IV&VII
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Earth Bound
  • Parasite Eve 1,2&3rd birthday
  • Resident Evil 2 & 3
  • Zelda Ocarina of Time, Link's Awakening & A Link to the Past
  • Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars

I know there are more, but right now nothing is coming to mind.. Knowing me I probably left out something really good that I always play... MERP.... 

(I don't own a Nintendo .. I know tragic right?! It's definitely on the top of my retro game list, and I also don't own some of the games that were for their original platforms when they were released [Like Zelda A Link to the Past, I bought that from the Nintendo Store on the Wii...] and other games I own for many platforms [like Final Fantasy IV, VI, and Chrono Trigger] Also about 90% of my games prior to moving to Canada were all bought used, so any damage you see is from the previous owner, I take very good care of my games and systems which is why a lot of the older games have lasted for so long.... But they have seen better days lol)

That's all for now!

If you play games, what is a game that you could play over and over again without ever getting bored??


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