Thursday 25 July 2013

So You Have Different Interests In Your Relationship??

Hey everyone!

Today I wanted to talk about different interests in relationships. My hubby and I have been together for a little over 9 years now... (Yeah a LONG time ha ha considering we're only 24 and 26) We have a ton of stuff in common and similar interests, (We came together through a common interest) but we are still two very different and individual people. Which means we also have hobbies and interests that the other may not be into.. (or maybe it's something we just don't even get and don't find it fascinating at all...) Instead of feigning interest, we try to learn something about the hobby/interest and take a small part in whatever it may be.. For example, yesterday my hubby and I went to a store that specializes in all things air planes. My hubby is REALLY into planes; (he wants to get his license to fly planes and become a pilot) me on the other hand, the only thing I really care about is if I'm getting onto a plane and going somewhere LOL. However, this was something he was really excited about and he really wanted to go to this store since he found out about it. I took the initiative and told him we could go on his days off and I didn't complain or put the idea off, I was really positive about it and I even helped him pick out some stuff to buy! It really made him happy and the store was actually pretty interesting. (It's called Aviation World if anyone in Toronto is reading this, it's near the Pearson Airport..) Also I pointed out some flyers at the entrance of the store and we found out that a Aviation & Airline Collectables Show is coming in October and I was the one to say why not? Let's go! My hubby was really surprised and happy to hear me say that and I'm looking forward to going and seeing something new! I think it's important to keep a positive outlook on things that interest your significant other, because you would want them to do the same for you right?? You also might find a new interest that you would have never thought of looking into before! My hubby is always taking me places I like that he probably finds less than interesting; but he knows it's things that I find interesting and fun and he wants me to be happy, just like I want him to be happy. Relationships are always about compromise, it's not always about you and sometimes we tend to forget that and take our relationships for granted... I know I'm guilty of that sometimes... Of course we're only human and we do make mistakes but nothing worth having ever came easy right? Understanding how your loved one thinks and what they need from you can and how they interpret love really makes your relationship so much stronger, my hubby and I picked up a book this last Winter called The 5 Love Languages The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman... (It sounds cheesy I know, but it was really insightful and call me naïve about the whole subject of love, but I had no idea people interpreted love in different ways... My love language is quality time, and my hubby's is acts of service and I find that they are spot on... I thought the book was really insightful and quite helpful and I do recommend it! 

Canada Day 2013

Try and do something nice for your loved one everyday, it could be something so simple as giving them a nice compliment, it really makes all the difference and could make their day a thousand times better!


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