Tuesday 4 October 2016

Catching Up! (Life Update)

Hey there!

Just wanted to sort of catch up with you all about the goings on in my life over the last several months. Aside from previously working 5-6 days a week, I'm also happy to announce that I am expecting my first child in November! I am currently 33 weeks, and I was hoping to share this journey from the start with everyone, however, I was working full time and I also have been dealing some health issues that made doing almost everything exhausting. My life was literally work, eat, sleep and repeat. I want to share these things with you all, for anyone who may be suffering from the same condition, pregnant or otherwise. Also, being a first time mom, I would also like to write about that experience and how I'm feeling about my life changing. I've really missed my blog, I've felt like it's been the place I can express myself freely about anything in my life and a place where I can share all the things I enjoy. So, for the foreseeable future, this nerdy girl is back! I'll be sharing the usual things that I always have, but now I will also be sharing randoms about pregnancy, babies, and parenthood. Be on the lookout for my baby shower post and my 3D ultrasound post coming soon! I was thinking about doing bump photos every week on here with the time I have left, or I may just share them all in one post at the end. 

About my pregnancy!
I found out I was pregnant March 19, I wasn't exhibiting any symptoms, but like the saying goes, when you know, you know. I had an inkling that I may have been pregnant, my period wasn't overly late, but I still thought I should take a test and see what happens. I bought a test, without my husband knowing, because if it was positive, I wanted to surprise him. I wasn't nervous or anxious taking the test, like I had been the few times I've taken them in the past. I was actually pretty calm about the whole situation and I felt like I would be upset more so if the test came back negative. When I saw that faint second pink line, I can't even describe the overwhelming happiness I had. I cried like a fool in my bathroom and I just couldn't stop looking at that stick. I have no idea what made this time so much more different, all I knew in that moment was that I have never wanted or loved anything more in my life than I did just then. I really wanted to come up with a cute way of surprising my husband about our first baby, but I ended up being too excited to keep it to myself that I ended up just blurting it out and showing him the positive test! (I can be notoriously bad at keeping things to myself sometimes.) He was so happy and really excited that it didn't really matter how I told him haha!  I did end up taking a digital test the next day, just to make doubly sure, and that test came back saying I was 3+ weeks pregnant! Looking back, I think I was about 5 weeks when I found out. The very first person I told besides my husband of course, was my sister! It was something that I absolutely couldn't not tell her, she's my very best friend and I had to let her know! I wish that I could have told her in person, but we live so far away, so I Face Timed her and I will always remember her reaction. She's been nothing but supportive and excited since the beginning and I don't know what I would do without her being here for me. We decided to tell his parents the weekend after that, because Easter was that weekend and I thought of a cute way to let them know they were going to finally get the grandbaby they always wanted. We got an Easter basket, filled it with candies and a baby onesie with a cute card.  Needless to say, they were ecstatic, especially my hubby's mom. I sent an edible arrangement to my mom's office at work and she was so excited, she emailed me to tell me how happy she was and that after she found out, she didn't want to work for the rest of the day! To my granny. I sent her some flowers with a funny little poem. We didn't tell anyone else until I was well out of the first trimester, mostly because I was super paranoid and worried that something could go wrong. We got an ice cream cake for our group of friends to let them know and everyone else we either told in person, called and eventually I put out the first ultrasound on Facebook.

I remember the day I had my ultrasound done, I was around 12 weeks and I was excited but terrified at the same time, because that was the ultrasound that checks for things like down syndrome. All the fear was washed away the second I saw my baby. Everything was suddenly so much more real and I cried so hard right there in front of the tech and my husband with no shame what so ever, because I was so happy. When we got the second ultrasound done, (I was around 18 weeks) it was the anatomy scan, which is also the scan where they can determine the baby's gender. We always talked about having a little girl, and we were leaning more that way, but when the tech said it was a boy, I was overwhelmed with happiness, love, and excitement, that I of course cried my eyes out haha. I can honestly say that I have had zero feelings of disappointment and I'm so excited for my little boy! The most important thing to us for this entire pregnancy was that the baby was healthy and thriving, and is he ever! I just had my 3rd scan last week, to measure the baby and check the cervix and placenta, and I'll be finding out those results on Friday. (I didn't scan that ultrasound on my computer, so it won't be in this post.) Even though my baby is very healthy and super active, (so much so that he gave our tech a hard time while she was trying to measure during the ultrasound!) I always worry and I pray everything turns out well. I am very much the worry wart and I always have been. I don't really see that changing, especially now that I'm going to be a mommy! 

I think that will do it for this post!
I'm happy to finally be back at it and I can't wait to share this new experience with you all.
What kind of pregnancy/beauty/lifestyle/makeup posts would you guys like to see more of?


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