Thursday 20 October 2016

My 3D Ultrasound Experience!

Before I was pregnant I had already decided that I wanted to get a 3D ultrasound of my baby whenever the time came, it looked like a really neat idea and something special to keep for a long time. I decided to forego the traditional maternity photos and do this instead, because I wanted the opportunity to see my baby and have special photos of him before he gets here. Also because the cost of a maternity photo session and this were about the same. My sister has since volunteered to take some maternity photos of me when she comes up because she's adamant that I have some done haha! It wasn't a big deal to me either way, but I know she wants to, and she's a really excellent photographer. I heard a lot of positive things about UC Baby, and a friend of ours recommended them as well. I first found their page on Facebook and then I got to their website from there. They have package deals, that while albeit a little on the expensive side, depending on your budget were worth it to me. (Because we all know how expensive it can get to get all the things you need for a little human) but you can always make your own package if the ones they offer are too much or you don't want as many things. I opted for the silver package which included things like a live broadcast of the session for any friends or family that couldn't be there to see it in person. I did that especially for my sister because even though she's all the way in California, she's been a huge part of my pregnancy since the beginning and I knew it was an experience she would cherish. My package also included a free repeat session if my baby's face was obstructed and couldn't be seen well, as well if they couldn't determine the gender if we wanted to know. I also got all the photos the tech took on a disc and 2 print outs. I bought a heartbeat bear that was separate from my package, they record your baby's heartbeat and put it into a teddy bear as a keepsake. It was more for me than for the baby haha but I hope it's something he'll cherish as much as I do someday. We picked the Vaughan location, and it was an over all very friendly, warm and wonderful experience. The room was dim and there was soft music playing and everything had a very relaxing vibe to it. The lady who did the ultrasound was quite friendly, and chatty, and when we were having trouble with the live broadcast at the beginning, she immediately went out and had the issue resolved. I can't quite describe the feeling of seeing my baby in such clarity while he's still in my womb, it was nothing short of amazing and I could have watched him all day. It's absolutely something I would recommend and encourage any mommy to be to do, I'll most definitely be doing this with my next baby (but that won't be for a while yet haha)

If you're in Canada and are interested, you can check out their website: UC Baby

That's all for today!

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