Tuesday 16 July 2013

Make-up and Jewelry Organization/Storage!

Hey there!

I spent a few hours today cleaning up my bedroom because it looked like a tornado centralized it self in there.... Normally my room is pretty tidy, but the last month or so I've been spending almost no time in there except for sleeping and my hubby and I kind of got into the habit of just throwing what ever where ever and not picking stuff up... I finally got sick of trying to get around the mess that I decided to clean it up (because apparently the thought of cleaning stuff up rather than trying to strategically move around the mess without knocking anything over never occurred to me... Yeah I know, so special...) After I tidied up, I decided I should rearrange and clean the top of my dresser (which is where I keep my jewelry, make up, and a few random decorative items) I dusted and cleaned my mirror and reorganized my make up. I keep my make up in two three drawer storage containers; that are intended to be used for office supplies, but they work pretty well for the small amount of make up I own. (I want to get some Muji Drawers eventually, because I think they look a lot nicer and could hold more stuff) I have a small jewelry box that I keep my earrings, small necklaces and rings in, and on top of that I keep my favourite owl necklaces on. On the left side of that I have a centre piece from my wedding that I put all my long necklaces on. (I'm not really sure why I started doing that, but it seems to be working well!) On the right side of the jewelry box I have a bracelet holder that I keep all my bangles and bracelets on, I keep the few headbands I own behind that and next to it, I have two glass vases that hold my make up brushes and my hair brushes/combs. In front to those I have all my nail polish (I really want to get something to put on the wall to hold my nail polish, but if you can tell from the photos I'm going to post, I have a ton of pictures on the walls, and I prefer it like that.) Last but not least, next to the nail polish I have my make up! I have my larger palettes behind my storage drawers and random things in the cubby holes that don't fit in the drawers. On to the photos!

I keep all of my hair ties, clips and bobby pins in this pooh bear container

I keep my earrings in the small drawers
I keep my palettes behind these containers

I keep lip&eye liners and brow stuff in the top left under that I have prep and prime stuff
On the right I keep mascara and below that I have lipsticks
Next we have foundations on the left and lip gloss on the right
I keep my blush and bronzer together on the left
and my smaller eyeshadow palettes and bases on the right
Back here are some of my favourite lip glosses and random glosses
and my favourite eyeshadows that I've been using a lot recently
Just random things here that didn't really have a proper home

That's all for now!
Do you have any organization tips?? 
I'm always looking for new ways to store my stuff in the limited space I have...


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