Sunday 14 July 2013

Shopping Adventures! (Sunday Fun Day!)

Hey there!

My hubby had the day off today, so we decided to do a little shopping! We went to the mall, Target and the grocery store (as usual.. it seems there's never any food in this house...) I got a few things, so I thought I would share them with you!

First stop is the mall! I went with the sole intention of buying a few maxi dresses, because I'm trying to expand my wardrobe and branch out a little bit... (I never used to own any dresses or skirts, and I always wore baggy jeans...) I got an email from a store called Fairweather (just your typical clothing store for women) and they were advertising a dress sale 3 for $30 (how can you pass that up right?!) I was all stoked for this sale, and I was looking forward to adding three new dresses to my closet... Well I was very disappointed and ended up leaving the store empty handed... Turns out there was only a few things that were for the aforementioned price and they were UGLY tops for the most part...(There was some cute stuff, but I really wanted dresses) The dresses were advertised in store as half off, but weren't really, and none of the dresses were 3 for $30... There were a few dresses I liked, but I couldn't find any in my size. Also I saw one I really liked, but it turned out to not really be on sale and it would have cost me $40... Normally that wouldn't bother me and I would get it without blinking an eye, but the hubs and I are really trying to cut back our spending... I ended up going to a different store called Sirens (another typical women's clothing store) I saw some cute things, but decided they were a little out of my price range, but I did end up getting a few things. I got a cute minty sheer long sleeved high low top for $12 CAD (it rolls up and buttons into a three quarter length sleeve if you want) and I got a 24 pack of stud earrings for ONLY $2 CAD!! (CRAZY STEAL RIGHT?!) They have hearts and stars and two types of bows in silver, dark grey and black colours. They're really cute! I was about to move on from their accessories when my hubby (whom by the way HATES to shop) pointed out the cutest pair of owl earrings! (I am OBSESSED with owls!) I had to have them and as soon as we got out of the mall and back to our car, I put them on and wore them for the rest of the day! They were $5 CAD and pretty worth it in my opinion, because I plan on wearing them ALL the time! (ha ha)

Sorry if this is a little dark, I usually take pictures in the natural light, but I was out all day and its pitch black out right now...

I got mostly food at Target, but I did get myself a couple things... I picked up some deodorant (how exciting...) and another travel sized Nivea Hand Cream (I like this a lot and I prefer the travel size, so I can take it with me where ever I go, even if I'm carrying a small purse) and I got the Nourishing Coconut Milk Anti Breakage Serum from the Organix line, I've never used this before but I've seen Samantha from PiinkSparkles on YouTube (another one of my favourite gurus) use this and she has some amazingly beautiful hair!(She's also so gorgeous!) She bleaches her hair on the regular, but her it's still super healthy and I thought I'd better give this a try! (I haven't coloured my hair since I think September, but it got pretty beat up from me re-colouring it trying to keep up the red I used to have for a while...) I really loathe anything and everything coconut; the smell, the taste, and the texture, but I can tolerate it and if this stuff works it will definitely be worth it! Then I got a few snack-y items, vitamin water was on sale, but I only got one because I was pretty thirsty at the time and I didn't really want three bottles of the same flavour.. (The shelves were pretty cleaned out) I got the Kiwi-Strawberry kind. Then I got two Luna Bars in S'mores and Chocolate and Peanuts, I've never tried these bars before, but they were fairly inexpensive and they sounded good... (and I was hungry LOL) I thought I would try them as a post work out snack and if I like them I plan to get more... We also got some food, but nothing really exciting there.. We went to the grocery store on the way home to pick up something to eat, because apparently, no one wanted to cook and I didn't feel like cooking so we went for a fast option that was still fairly healthy. I picked up a pre-made salad from the deli and some fruit, we also got some yogurt and as a last impulse buy we got these Snyder's Pretzel Pieces in Honey Mustard and Onion... (They are SO GOOD! and by that time my hubby and I were starving so we got 2 bags because they were on sale... Yep, he enables my impulse buys sometimes HA HA HA)

That's all for my Sunday Shopping Adventures!
What did you do this weekend??


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