Monday 22 July 2013

Family Fun Time! (Bowlerama)

Hey everyone! 

So my hubby and I weren't planning on doing anything tonight, just hang out at home and one of his cousins was going to come over.. The original plan was to chill and maybe play video games, but then randomly we were talking about the idea of either going or mini golfing bowling sometime.. I called the Bowlerama that we like to frequent and asked them what their rates were, and turns out that tonight was unlimited bowling from 9pm to midnight for a set price per person... When I had called it was like 8:40 ish and we just decided to go! We got there right at nine and played three rounds.. My hubby usually always wins (except for the odd time that I actually beat him lol) and today he wasn't really on his game... Neither was I (I'm not that good to begin with HA HA HA) surprisingly the person we least expected to win, beat the pants off all of us... (My brother in law won every game this time, he usually doesn't do all that well...) It was a lot of fun and good memories were made just like always.. Plus there were some good jokes thrown into the mix.. (Side note: The sunset today was AMAZING! The sky was so beautiful!)

 That's all for now!

What kind of activities do you like to do with your family??


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