Wednesday 31 July 2013

Favourites Of The Month (Part Two)

Welcome back!

Here is part two of my monthly favourites!

  • Clothes
  • App
  • Book
  • Game
  • Hair Style
  • Activity
  • Movie
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Accessories

Let's get to it!


I have a couple items that I wore a few times this month and one that I only wore once, but I love it! First is my leopard print long sleeved top that I got from Old Navy last fall. This top is so comfy, lightweight, and cute! In the fall and winter I love to pair it up with my red skinnies, but it could go with just about anything really. The sleeves roll up into a 3/4 length if you don't want to have long sleeves (it's very useful in the summer!) It's one of my favourite pieces! Next is a newer top, and I got it from Sirens maybe a month or so ago? It's a  Hi-low cream coloured lightweight chiffon type material top, and I love the crochet lace cut out detailing on the back, that and the studded collar are what really sold me on this top (so much so I bought  two! The other is a teal colour) It's basic enough to dress up or down and I love it! Last is a dress I got at the same time as the top but from a different store. It's a gorgeous maxi dress that to me screams summer and I wish I could have gone on holiday this year just so I could wear it (I've worn it before but I would have more of an excuse to wear a cute dress lol) I love the print and it's a halter type, so it has strings to tie it up and there are cute beads on the strings, which I thought was cute.


The app I have been loving this month is actually one I've had and have been using since it came out. It is a game, and I have a few games, but this is one of the only ones I've continuously come back to and played. I'm always so stoked every time there's an update! I suppose I should tell you what that app is ha ha I'm talking about The Simpsons Tapped Out game! I LOVE The Simpsons so much, I grew up watching it and my hubby and I are the biggest Simpsons nerds ever! We just love to watch and re-watch all the episodes and they never get old. Basically you have to re-build Springfield thanks to Homer (he kind of blew up the original Springfield LOL) It's REALLY addicting especially if you are a fan of The Simpsons, there's so much to do and there are always new updates and new characters to unlock! I definitely recommend it!


Unfortunately I haven't read anything this month (besides doing my Bible Study) but I do have a favourite book, and it's not for reading! It's for writing.. I got a journal type book a few years ago and I would use it to write random quotes that I like. I hadn't used it in quite a while, so this month I really tried to write in it more and I did!


I talked about this game in a different post, so I won't go into detail. The game I loved this month was Family Guy Back to the Multiverse! Brian and Stewie are my favourites and they are the main characters in the story mode. My hubby and I played the hell out of this game and beat everything and got every trophy and I loved it! You can get more characters to play in the multiverse modes and Lois is my favourite out of all of them (If you have played it or will play it, you might see why if you have the same preference like my hubby and I did) Again, if you're a fan of Family Guy GO GET THIS GAME! It's so much fun!

Hair Style

I've been keeping things really simple this month (not like I ever did anything crazy or elaborate with my hair in the first place...) but I've just kept my hair down for the most part, it's easy and I can just throw it into a pony tail if it starts to annoy me...


Hands down, the best thing we did this month was our Canada Day Party/ get together! It's always an amazingly fun time, and it's just about the only time we can get some of our friends together and catch up. Not to mention Lake Shore has got to be one of my favourite spots in this city!


This month I've seen three movies in theatres and a few on Netflix/DVD, and this is a no brainer to me but my favourite movie out of all of them was Despicable Me 2! If you haven't seen it, GO NOW!!!!! I can't wait for it to come out on DVD so I can watch it a million times! ha ha


I'm a big coffee drinker, and I love everything about coffee! This month however, I was sick so I was drinking a lot of Earl Grey Tea. (I prefer the Tazo brand but since there's a Tim Hortons up the street from me, I've been drinking their tea) I usually only drink tea when I don't feel well, I don't know why but it just helps me feel a little less like death lol. I have had Starbucks a couple times though, and my favourite is their Caramel Macchiato, (Hot and Iced) but that isn't what I've been getting.. (I know random) I've been getting their Coffee Frappuccino (Yep, boring but it's pretty good!) and of course I couldn't forget my old reliable Double Double from Tim's.


Last but not least! I haven't really been wearing many accessories this month, just my glitter star stud earrings and my new favourite owl earrings... Maybe I'll be more exciting next month if I decide to do this again... 

That's all for my favourites this month!
Hope you enjoyed!


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