Saturday 12 December 2015

Oh Christmas Tree! (Blogmas Day 12)

Welcome to Blogmas day 12! My sister and I went on the hunt for a Christmas tree and a few other odds and ends to decorate her house with. We managed to haggle with the guy selling trees and got our $50 tree for only $37! I love fresh Christmas trees, they add nice fragrant touch to the house and look so beautiful all lit up and decorated. We had to stuff the tree in the back seat of her car and let the top poke out of the window! It was hilarious and left her car smelling like Christmas trees for a few days! I'm glad my sister decided to wait to decorate until I came down, because as I said before, decorating the house is one of my favorite parts of the season. 

That's a wrap for day 12!
What is your favorite part of the holiday season? 
Besides spending time with my family, my favorite parts are decorating and looking at everyone's lights.

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