Sunday 20 December 2015

Hand Painted Ornament DIY! (Blogmas Day 20)

Welcome to Blogmas day 20! I'm sharing another DIY Christmas ornament! This one is more on the traditional side, where as the other ones were a little more modern. My sister painted a really pretty poinsettia on an ornament that reminds me of those spinning tops. 

You'll need a couple items:

  • Paint/ Nail polish (she used green glass paint and red nail polish)
  • Ornaments (we used clear glass ones)
  • Decorative gems 
  • Paint brushes 

Start by coating the inside of the ornament with the paint color of your choice, and once it's at the desired opacity, tip it upside down on a paper towel and let the excess run out.
Next, take some red paint or nail polish and a brush, and paint on the first 4 petals of your poinsettia. Let them dry completely and then paint the next 4 petals on top of the original 4. Let that dry completely.

Finally, take a little clear nail polish and paint it onto the middle of your poinsettia, then take your tweezers and alternate with yellow and red nail gems, stick them onto the desired spot. Make sure it's completely dry before adding a hook and placing it on the tree.

That's it!
Do you prefer more modern decorations or the more classic, traditional decorations??

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