Tuesday 22 December 2015

Lionesse Hair Straightener First Impression Review! (Blogmas Day 22)

My sister got this new hair straightener and I decided to do a mini review of it. 
The lady who was selling them at the kiosk coaxed us into listening her spiel, and letting her demo the product. We were both ready to politely decline her offers, and then she showed us how it worked.. Needless to say, we were wowed! She curled my hair and it stayed all day! No products or anything in my hair and it looked great! My hair normally doesn't hold a curl to save its life, or I need a TON of hair spray! We tried recreating the curls today, ended up with slightly less amazing results.. My hair took a little persuading to finally curl and it held a lot less longer than the first time around.. (Around 3-4 hours) I'm wondering if the heating was different, also on the first time, I had just washed my hair and this time, I was working on day 2 or 3 hair. The flat iron heats up quickly, is adjustable up to 465 degrees Fahrenheit, and is really easy to maneuver, it also doesn't pull at your hair when running it through the way some others do. I like it better than my older Con Air flat iron, and I feel like it curls better than my kiss instawave. I think we'll have to practice and play around with it a little more to achieve the look I had the first time around. While it is on the more expensive side, the sales lady did end up giving my sister a "discount" which was pretty much one sided haggling, telling her she was only giving her a special one time deal, but compared to the $250 this model goes for on their website, she did get a pretty good deal. In a first impression sort of opinion, I would definitely recommend this straightener.
After (finished at 10 am)
After about 8 hours

That's all for today lovelies!
What is your current go to beauty tool??

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