Monday 21 December 2015

Baked Tortellini! (Blogmas Day 21)

Welcome back to Blogmas! For day 21 I'm bringing you a DELICIOUS hearty cheeeeeeesy baked tortellini dish! I LOVE pasta and I LOVE cheese, and the 2 paired together is always heavenly! I definitely need to add this one to my list of favorite recipes, because it's just that yum! 


  • Tortellini (we used two 9oz. or 255g packets)
  • Canned tomatoes (we used one 14.5oz. or 41g can)
  • Tomato Sauce (we used two 8oz. or 227g cans)
  • Cheese (we used 2 packets of shredded mozzarella cheese)
  • Meat (we used 1lb or 0.454kg of ground beef)
  • Garlic to taste 

In a hot pan add some garlic, as much or as little as you prefer, and let it sauté for about a minute, then add your meat and let it brown.
Next, add your tomatoes and tomato sauce and stir them together with the meat.

Our pan wasn't large enough to add the tortellini to the meat mixture, so we added the meat and the tortellini in the casserole dish and mixed them together.
Take half of your cheese and mix it into the pasta, once that is all combined, sprinkle the other half on top liberally.

Cover it tight with foil and place in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes. 

That's all there is to it!
What is your favorite type of pasta??

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