Tuesday 1 December 2015

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas! (Blogmas Day 1)

Hello December! It's officially Christmas time, my favorite time of the year! I decided to do my first blogmas this year, because it was always something I wanted to do, but wasn't sure if I would have enough to post about. This year however, I have a lot of fun things planned, and I'm really excited to share them all with all of you! I decided to kick off day one of blogmas with my Christmas decor! I love decorating for the holidays, especially Christmas! It feels so much more real when I see the tree all decorated and lit up and that festive feeling sinks in and everything looks so warm and happy!

That's all for day one!
What are some of your favorite things about the holidays??
Decorating is definitely one of my very favorite things to do!

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