Friday 4 December 2015

Favorites Of The Month! (Part Two[November2015] Blogmas Day 4)

Welcome back! It's day four of blogmas and today I'm sharing part two of my November favorites!

Here's the second half of my favorites list:

  • Clothes
  • App
  • Book
  • Game
  • Hair Style
  • Activity
  • Movie
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Accessories
Since the weather was beginning to get a bit colder, I've gravitated towards layering type tops. Long sleeved tops I can wear over any type of t-shirt or tank top, they're mostly chambray or plaid long sleeved shirts. I've also dug out an old favorite from my closet, since it wasn't quite time to bring out the coats, I have been wearing my sleeveless puffy vest. It's a cute cream colored vest with a fuzzy faux fur trim on the hood and I've been getting a lot of wear out of it this season. I've also recently purchased my first pairs of boyfriend style jeans and I'm pretty much in love! They're so comfy, they pair great with almost any shoe and they can be dressed up or down depending on what top and accessories I wear! 


I have been listening to Spotify since about the beginning of the Summer and have recently upgraded to premium membership and I love it! I always listen to music and to have the convenience of having any kind of music readily accessible from my phone or tablet is really awesome. They also do a Discovery Weekly playlist that gives you a playlist of 30 songs each week based on what you've been listening to. I've rediscovered old songs, and even found new bands and singers to listen to! The other app I've been using a lot recently, is the Pokemon Shuffle game. I love Pokemon and I really like to play puzzle type games and this has a similar fee to bejeweled and other games of that sort. I believe I started playing this in October, when I saw an ad on Facebook for it, and I've been addicted since! My husband saw me playing the other day and his response? You're still playing that game?? ha ha!

I haven't been reading all that frequently these days, so I decided to just pick up a book and get back into it! I started reading Joyland by Stephen King. I'm not super far into it, about 85 pages, and I'm loving it! The story is about a college student named Devin and he's looking for a summer job to get over the heartache left by his former girlfriend. He decides to apply to an amusement park called Joyland, and he learns that it has a pretty dark past: a girl was brutally murdered in the Fun House.
My 2 game favorites are for the Wii U. (no real surprise there) I've had my Wii U for nearly a year now and I absolutely LOVE it! My favorites were Mario Maker, and Yoshis Woolly World. I recommend both games if you are a fan of Mario and Yoshis Island. Mario Maker lets you build Mario levels from various versions of Super Mario Bros. You can also play levels made by people from all over the world. Its so much fun and so addictive! Yoshis Woolly World is a lot like Yoshis Island, without baby Mario, and better yet, its multiplayer! My husband and I have been playing through it. A new aspect to the game play (being similar to Yoshis Island) is that you can collect yarn to make a new Yoshi after every level! My husband and I love scavenging around to try and find all 5 spools of yarn to see what Yoshi we will get next. 
Hair Style
I haven't been very adventurous or creative with my hair lately, its been the same old same, either down, or in a pony tail. Since I'll be going home soon, I just know my sister will be willing to do my hair if I ask. She's much better at styling than I am!
My favorite activity for November was a date night my husband and I had, we went downtown for a festival and then we went to dinner and a movie. We went to the Ice, Wine and Dine festival and it was our first time going. They had assorted types of food and drinks, there were ice sculptures, a guy dressed as a Christmas tree, and the best part was the fire show! There were 2 girls who juggled fire and they even hula hooped with a hoop that was set on fire! It was really cool!

My favorite movie was the one we saw on our date night, The Peanuts Movie! I adore snoopy and I grew up with the Peanuts. The movie was everything and then some that I had hoped for, it was like reliving a part of my childhood! It also made me realize, that if one thing can go right for Charlie Brown, then my life will be okay! ha ha (lets just say that I can really relate to good old Charlie.)
I haven't been drinking coffee as much lately, but I have started drinking green tea almost daily now, since about the beginning of October. I drink Tetley green tea, and I use the T-discs made for my Tassimo to brew it. It's really fast and easy, I can just pop a disc into my machine and it brews a hot cup of tea for me in under a minute.
I have been wearing watches almost everyday now since last April, and I honestly don't know why I stopped wearing them! Besides being a cute accessory, the time is easily accessible when I'm out, its always a bother to dig my phone out of my purse when I'm busy running around just to check the time. Other accessories I've been wearing frequently are stud type earrings and bangles. Simple, but cute.

That concludes my November favorites and Blogmas day 4!
Until tomorrow lovelies!

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