Tuesday 15 December 2015

Gingerbread House Success or Fail?! (Blogmas Day 15)

Welcome to Blogmas day 15! I have wanted to make a gingerbread house for the longest time now, so my sister picked up a kit from her work for us to try and make! I have to be honest, I really thought it was going to be a huge fail haha mostly because the last time I made a gingerbread house, I was in elementary school. We went to our other sister Amber's house and the three of us built a gingerbread house! I have to say, that to me, it was a big success! We were really impressed with our building and decorating skills! It was so much fun just laughing and making jokes with my sisters, which is exactly the kind of thing I love about the holidays. It really brings you closer to the ones you love.

That's all for day 15!
It didn't turn out exactly like the one on the box, but we were pretty proud of that house none the less!
Have you ever made a gingerbread house?? If so, leave a photo in the comments! I'd love to see them!

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