Let's get right into it!
- Clothes
- App
- Book
- Game
- Hair Style
- Activity
- Movie
- Coffee/Tea
- Accessory
I only had one favourite clothing item this month.. It's a cute summer dress I got from Old Navy a year or so ago. It hits jut above the knee, it's super lightweight, very flow-y and is really flattering! It has grey flowers all over and a small fabric belt that cinches in the waist quite nicely. There are 3 tiers of ruffles on the hem and some ruffles along the top. Even though it's a spaghetti strapped dress, it's really cute and very modest. I wore it on my mother in law's birthday and completely forgot to take a photo of myself in the dress... *Fail* Weather permitting I will definitely be wearing it again!
My hubby and I have been playing a lot of Borderlands since we finished Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse, we want to beat it so we can FINALLY move on to the second one.. (We've had it since it was released...)
I have been OBSESSED with Pinterest lately! I was really into it around the holidays last year, and after that I sort of neglected my account.. I'd check out the pins every now and then but recently I've been pinning new things to my boards like nobody's business! There are a million and one interesting and different things to pin I just can't get enough!
Another app I'm newly into and loving is Smurf Life! I've had Smurf Village since it came out and I like it a lot and this one is similar, but you get to create your own Smurf, decorate your Smurf house and gain levels in various jobs while helping Papa Smurf find the other Smrufs and ofcourse help thwarting Gargamel's evil plots.. I only just downloaded it today, but I haven't been able to put my iPad down! It's Smurftastic! (oh yes I went there.. LOL)
I'm not going too into detail about the book I'm reading this month, because I already made a post about it.. The book I'm reading this month is Stolen Prey by John Sandford, this is the 22nd book in the Prey series. As I've said before I am completely obsessed with this series and the main character of the book!
My hubby and I have been playing a lot of Borderlands since we finished Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse, we want to beat it so we can FINALLY move on to the second one.. (We've had it since it was released...)
I know I have a few favourites that I only just discovered this month and the next game is no exception! I can't get over how AMAZING the Sims 3 University Life is! I was expecting it to be good, but I was pretty blown away at the way the creators went about making this expansion pack. University life is a whole other world in the Sims world! You actually pack up and move away from home for a while, you get to pick where you want to live, there's even scholarships for your Sims to apply for! You can join fraternities, be a part of different social groups, go to parties, participate in school events and you can even sleep through a lecture or skip class all together! If you haven't played it yet or are on the fence about getting it, you should! I'm so glad I did!
Hair Style
I've been really boring in the hair department lately.. I haven't even used a flat iron on my hair in a while... (Which means my hair has been a frizzy mess Hahaha I'm thankful for the weather proof anti humidity spray I got in a glam bag, it really helps ease the frizz.. I've just been going with the simple hair down.. I wore pins in my hair a couple times and a pony tail when we went to the movies, but that's about it..
We've gone to the movies a few times, and gone out and did things, but nothing out of the ordinary or really special this month.. I do however have plans to go back home for Christmas this year that were spontaneously made this month and I couldn't be more excited! I realize it's still a while away, but I love any opportunity I get to see my friends and family back in California! My ticket is already booked and that was really the highlight of my month! (My family is so near and dear to me and I have always been a family oriented person..) Plus Christmas time with my family can't be beat and it also means I get to spend my birthday with my dad (we share a birthday) needless to say I'm pretty stoked and I really can't wait!
I watched a couple movies on Netflix and on demand, but this month I only made it out to the theatre once... My hubby on the other hand got to go three times! (once I wasn't feeling well, the second I wasn't interested in the movie and last was the one time I went) I have to say Planes was really good and pretty funny! I'd say it was the best movie out of the ones I've watched this month.
I have been having my usual double double from Tim's but I have also been able to get my favourite from Starbucks! I LOVE the Caramel Macchiato, and since it's Summer I get it iced... I haven't had any tea, because I usually only drink tea when I'm sick...
We've gone to the movies a few times, and gone out and did things, but nothing out of the ordinary or really special this month.. I do however have plans to go back home for Christmas this year that were spontaneously made this month and I couldn't be more excited! I realize it's still a while away, but I love any opportunity I get to see my friends and family back in California! My ticket is already booked and that was really the highlight of my month! (My family is so near and dear to me and I have always been a family oriented person..) Plus Christmas time with my family can't be beat and it also means I get to spend my birthday with my dad (we share a birthday) needless to say I'm pretty stoked and I really can't wait!
This was from 2011, the last time I was back home.. I used the picture for my countdown app lol |
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Christmas 2010 (a few of my cousins, my sister, my granny and I) |
My and my dad's birthday 2011 |
I watched a couple movies on Netflix and on demand, but this month I only made it out to the theatre once... My hubby on the other hand got to go three times! (once I wasn't feeling well, the second I wasn't interested in the movie and last was the one time I went) I have to say Planes was really good and pretty funny! I'd say it was the best movie out of the ones I've watched this month.
I have been having my usual double double from Tim's but I have also been able to get my favourite from Starbucks! I LOVE the Caramel Macchiato, and since it's Summer I get it iced... I haven't had any tea, because I usually only drink tea when I'm sick...
I've been wearing the usual star studs, and I've also been wearing a couple of necklaces I bought earlier this month. I wore the green gem necklace a few times (I posted it in an earlier post) but my favourite has been the cute silver owl with black feathers and white polka dots. I love the effect the faux feathers add to the owl, it seems a little more real and it looks a million times more adorable! I find myself grabbing it to wear most of the time..
That concludes this months favourites!
I may keep up with this kind of post next month
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