Monday 26 August 2013

Sunday Funday! (Yesterday's Adventures!)


So yesterday my hubby went golfing for the first time, and he enjoyed it quite a bit! (Even though he had to get up before the sun to get his two cousins and get to the place for their tee time...) I wish I had gotten a photo of him in his polo and khakis (He never wears anything close to that and he looked really handsome hehehe) Anyway, there was no way I was getting up that early and golf doesn't interest me in the least so I stayed home. I got up and Felix and I decided to watch some Netflix (because we all know there is NOTHING on tv on Sundays..) I started watching a new anime (new to me) called Moonphase. It's pretty interesting, it's about a photographer who goes to Germany to take photos in this old castle (he works with the paranormal) and he unexpectedly meets a vampire. She ends up going with him back to Tokyo and he winds up being her "slave" of sorts. There are some pretty funny moments and I find it interesting! (my hubby on the other hand fell asleep and thought it was boring when I was watching it last night) They all came back around 11 am and of course wanted something to eat (this family eats like nobody's business) they are also really indecisive, but eventually they all agreed on Montana's (a steakhouse) They have some good food and the décor is very country. (You even get your drinks served in mason jars) I've said it before, but I do love times like these where we can hang out with our family, eat some good food, laugh and just talk about anything...(We're trying to make getting together more often a habit) We went to the local flea market (If anyone is from Toronto you should know) Dr. Flea's, it's been about two years since I've been there and unfortunately we didn't end up staying very long.. It was really packed, I didn't get a chance to really look around and my hubby was tired from getting up so early... I would have liked to have stayed longer and explore and perhaps I could have taken some photos to share... Maybe next time... After my hubby took a nap, we went to Walmart for nothing in particular (which could be dangerous to your bank account if you get impulsive hahaha) I got the 70's 80's & 90's stuff pack for the Sims 3 (I have most of the Sims 3 packs but can I just say how EXCITED I am for the Sims 4??!!) and we found Hitman Absolution in the bargain bin for $20 CAD (pretty decent price! My hubby is playing it currently) I also got a Revlon nail polish in the shade Lily (its a pretty lilac/lavender purple and I'll be using it next)  

Simple Makeup this weekend

My sister sent this picture of her kitties to me LOL

That was all for my Sunday Adventures!
What did you do over the weekend??


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