Saturday 24 August 2013

Special Day!

Hey everyone!

Today as the title of this post says is a special day! Today is my wonderful mommy in law's birthday! Unfortunately my hubby had to work today, so we couldn't go out for dinner, but we're planning on going out tomorrow... We still wanted to do something nice for her (because honesty she is the most wonderful kind and caring mommy and she deserves so much!) so we got her some pretty flowers, a nice card and some chocolates... I can't even begin to tell you all how blessed I am to have her! She does everything not only for us, but for the whole family! If there were ever a person deserving of a superhero cape it would be her! I'm very fortunate to have two amazing moms! (It just sucks that I can't see or spend time with my mom very often...) Any way, I'm just really appreciative and grateful for everything she does and has done for us and I wanted to make a short happy birthday post for her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!! 

If today is your birthday I hope you have/had a lovely day spent with the people you care about most!


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