Thursday 8 August 2013

Rant of the day

"Before you assume, learn the facts. Before you judge, understand why. Before you hurt someone, feel. Before you speak, think..." -Unknown

There is too much hate in this world; we really need to start building each other up, rather than tearing one another down.. Do something nice for someone today, and really think before you do or say something mean to someone.. How would you feel if you were on the receiving end? The world doesn't need any more negativity and senseless cruelty... I feel like there is so much "cyber bulling" these days and people are hiding anonymously behind their keyboards feeling real big bashing on other people... It's not just children who are the bullies anymore, "adults" are taking part in online bullying as well! This has never personally happened to me, but I see it all the time and I can't wrap my head around it! It seems that when someone is doing well for themselves, people feel the need to pull them down and make them feel bad for the success they achieved. Obviously it takes time to think and write out a nasty comment, so instead of doing that why not take a little bit longer to think how you would feel if someone said what ever comment you were going to make to you? It takes 2 seconds to say something hurtful, but it takes a lot longer for someone to forget or get over the hateful things someone says to them... They say sticks and stones break bones but words never hurt, well that's a huge lie. Words definitely hurt and they may not leave physical scars, but they leave emotional scars and those cut a whole lot deeper. When someone says terrible things to another person, they really have no idea how it will impact them, and when it leads to children taking their own lives because they think it's the only way out, something really needs to be done! Children are so impressionable and negativity sticks with them more than anything... They say the people who bully are being bullied themselves, why would you continue they cycle?? If you are bullied, you know it hurts so why bring that kind of pain to another person? Why not seek help and instead of hurting, be positive and kind to others.. It seems like people are ready to jump to conclusions about others when they don't know the first thing about the situation. If we worried more about ourselves rather than what others are doing, life would be so much simpler. It's so pointless to be mean to someone, it doesn't benefit anyone! If you are going to be negative and say something hurtful, just stop and don't say anything.. It's just not worth it and maybe you'll feel good about hurting someone in the moment, but not long after you'll feel terrible about yourself... If you replace negativity with positivity your life will be so much better! A kind word can change someone's day for the better!

 "Be the change you want to see in the world..."- Gandhi 

I'm done ranting; if this gets through to one person, then my job is done..
I apologize if this made no sense, my thoughts are everywhere and I just let it flow through my fingers as I was thinking...


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