Tuesday 6 August 2013

Well Isn't That Just Awesome?! (Sarcasm)

Hey there

So today I was supposed to go to the movies with my hubby and a couple of our friends, but instead I get a wicked stomach ache and I just feel so sick... LAME ... I told my hubby to go without me, which he never wants to do (and before he would just cancel plans and stay with me, because he didn't want to go without me.. he's really sweet like that) but I kind of made him go (because I feel kind of guilty when he doesn't go out just because I'm feeling sick) and I'm laying on the couch with lots of water and the fan on, because I think I'm dehydrated and it's really hot in here... Not to mention I didn't sleep well and I'm feeling super tired... UGH so much fun.... NOT.... Anyway, he went to see World War Z (which I really wanted to see..) and so it's just me and Felix... Sorry for the lack of an interesting post today, but I kind of just want to curl up into a ball and sleep... boo... On the plus side, I hope to be doing a few more outfits of the day! I finally got a full length mirror today from Walmart! WOOT! My hubby told me that he has something fun planned for us; but won't tell me what ha ha so when I eventually find out what it is, I'll have to share with you! He also brought me a surprise last night when he came home from work! He got me an Owl candle holder (Like I said before I'm obsessed with owls and candles so pair them together and you can't go wrong! Yeah, he totally enables my obsessions ha ha ha) It's really interesting, the last one I got was ceramic, but this one is more rustic and country. It's made out of wire and metal, it's not as detailed but I love it! I think I may put it in the kitchen or something...

Well this is going to take some practice! LOL I couldn't seem to fit my head in the photo (fail)
My penguin top and South Park pj pants are from Walmart
(The pants I got from the men's section because I like long, baggy sleep pants)
My purple cami is from Sirens 

This gorgeous flower is in our front yard, and we have some others in the back yard that I plan on taking some photos of soon!

Well that's all for now!

Hopefully everyone else is having a good night/day where ever you live!


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