Saturday 31 August 2013

Favourites Of The Month (Part Two [August 2013])

Welcome to part two of my monthly favourites!

Let's get right into it!

  • Clothes
  • App
  • Book
  • Game
  • Hair Style
  • Activity
  • Movie
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Accessory


I only had one favourite clothing item this month.. It's a cute summer dress I got from Old Navy a year or so ago. It hits jut above the knee, it's super lightweight, very flow-y and is really flattering! It has grey flowers all over and a small fabric belt that cinches in the waist quite nicely. There are 3 tiers of ruffles on the hem and some ruffles along the top. Even though it's a spaghetti strapped dress, it's really cute and very modest. I wore it on my mother in law's birthday and completely forgot to take a photo of myself in the dress... *Fail* Weather permitting I will definitely be wearing it again!


I have been OBSESSED with Pinterest lately! I was really into it around the holidays last year, and after that I sort of neglected my account.. I'd check out the pins every now and then but recently I've been pinning new things to my boards like nobody's business! There are a million and one interesting and different things to pin I just can't get enough! 

Another app I'm newly into and loving is Smurf Life! I've had Smurf Village since it came out and I like it a lot and this one is similar, but you get to create your own Smurf, decorate your Smurf house and gain levels in various jobs while helping Papa Smurf find the other Smrufs and ofcourse help thwarting Gargamel's evil plots.. I only just downloaded it today, but I haven't been able to put my iPad down! It's Smurftastic! (oh yes I went there.. LOL)


I'm not going too into detail about the book I'm reading this month, because I already made a post about it.. The book I'm reading this month is Stolen Prey by John Sandford, this is the 22nd book in the Prey series. As I've said before I am completely obsessed with this series and the main character of the book!


My hubby and I have been playing a lot of Borderlands since we finished Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse, we want to beat it so we can FINALLY move on to the second one.. (We've had it since it was released...) 

I know I have a few favourites that I only just discovered this month and the next game is no exception! I can't get over how AMAZING the Sims 3 University Life is! I was expecting it to be good, but I was pretty blown away at the way the creators went about making this expansion pack. University life is a whole other world in the Sims world! You actually pack up and move away from home for a while, you get to pick where you want to live, there's even scholarships for your Sims to apply for! You can join fraternities, be a part of different social groups, go to parties, participate in school events and you can even sleep through a lecture or skip class all together! If you haven't played it yet or are on the fence about getting it, you should! I'm so glad I did!

Hair Style

I've been really boring in the hair department lately.. I haven't even used a flat iron on my hair in a while... (Which means my hair has been a frizzy mess Hahaha I'm thankful for the weather proof anti humidity spray I got in a glam bag, it really helps ease the frizz.. I've just been going with the simple hair down.. I wore pins in my hair a couple times and a pony tail when we went to the movies, but that's about it.. 

My crazy flat slightly frizzy hair.. Lol 


We've gone to the movies a few times, and gone out and did things, but nothing out of the ordinary or really special this month.. I do however have plans to go back home for Christmas this year that were spontaneously made this month and I couldn't be more excited! I realize it's still a while away, but I love any opportunity I get to see my friends and family back in California! My ticket is already booked and that was really the highlight of my month! (My family is so near and dear to me and I have always been a family oriented person..) Plus Christmas time with my family can't be beat and it also means I get to spend my birthday with my dad (we share a birthday) needless to say I'm pretty stoked and I really can't wait!

This was from 2011, the last time I was back home.. I used the picture for my countdown app lol

Christmas 2010 (a few of my cousins, my sister, my granny and I)

My and my dad's birthday 2011


I watched a couple movies on Netflix and on demand, but this month I only made it out to the theatre once... My hubby on the other hand got to go three times! (once I wasn't feeling well, the second I wasn't interested in the movie and last was the one time I went) I have to say Planes was really good and pretty funny! I'd say it was the best movie out of the ones I've watched this month.


I have been having my usual double double from Tim's but I have also been able to get my favourite from Starbucks! I LOVE the Caramel Macchiato, and since it's Summer I get it iced... I haven't had any tea, because I usually only drink tea when I'm sick...


I've been wearing the usual star studs, and I've also been wearing a couple of necklaces I bought earlier this month. I wore the green gem necklace a few times (I posted it in an earlier post) but my favourite has been the cute silver owl with black feathers and white polka dots. I love the effect the faux feathers add to the owl, it seems a little more real and it looks a million times more adorable! I find myself grabbing it to wear most of the time..

That concludes this months favourites!
I may keep up with this kind of post next month


Friday 30 August 2013

Favourites Of The Month (Part One [August 2013])

Welcome back!

I decided I would give the monthly favourites another go! I'll be using the same list as last time and I will be splitting this segment into two parts again.. 

Here's the first half of the list:

  • Song
  • TV Show
  • Food or Snack
  • Makeup
  • Perfume
  • Face and Body
  • Hair Products
  • Nail Polish
  • Shoes

Let's get to it!


I have had a song stuck in my head since I first came across it and I'm pretty obsessed with it! That song is Every Storm (Runs Out Of Rain) by Gary Allan.. I must have listened to this song a million times and it never gets old and I end up loving it more than before!

I've also been listening to the newest Five Finger Death Punch album that came out around the end of last month (I was late getting it) 

TV Show

Netflix is pretty much my BFF (no joke) I watch something from there about everyday.. Around the beginning of the month my hubby and I decided to watch through the entire American Dad series (well seasons 1-8 anyway) and I have to say I didn't care for the show when it first came out, but after giving it a chance and watching a few episodes I really like it. It seemed like a logical choice since we finished watching all the episodes of Family Guy that Netflix has ha ha....

Food or Snack  

I don't think I've had a favourite food or snack this month.. I have been craving pizza quite a bit though.. (random I know) Recently a new pizza place has opened up near my house and they have some pretty tasty pizza for a really good price! We got a medium double peperoni pizza for $7! Now I really want some pizza LOL but I don't think I can classify pizza as my food favourite of the month, because I have always loved pizza.. 

My makeup routine has been about the same this summer.. Neutral colours or just light makeup.. I have however been reaching for (and loving) a couple things frequently this month.. First up is my pouty pop crayon from Pop Beauty. I can't rave enough about it! I LOVE the coral colour and I love how versatile it is! I have been wearing it almost everyday since I received it in my July Glam Bag and I REALLY want to get the other colours Pop Beauty has to offer! Next is Maybelline's The Rocket mascara, I know a lot of people are raving about this product and I'm right there with them! I normally layer up my mascara with different kinds, but this bad boy can be worn all alone! I love the volume and length I get out of this mascara and I love the fact that it doesn't clump or flake off! I got the waterproof version by mistake, but I'm liking it fairly well. Another favourite from a Glam Bag has been my Cailyn Gel Liner in Iron, I love how well this liner stays put through out the day and I like that I can turn to this if I want to wear dark liner but I'm not in the mood to wear black liner.. Last up is a foundation. I've been using Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse Foundation. This is the first foundation that I ever used, and I wound up forgetting about it until last winter when on a whim I repurchased it. The only downside is this formula doesn't have SPF, so I have to wear some kind of sunscreen underneath. It gives great coverage, lasts all day and it doesn't turn my face completely orange

Perfume/Face and Body

I think I'm a little overly excited for Fall to get here; so I've been wearing my Warm Vanilla Sugar body spray A LOT this month! (Summer is fun, but Fall and Winter are where it's at! ha ha ha) As for face/body I haven't really been using anything different from last month EXCEPT for my facial scrub! I got the Michael Todd Charcoal Scrub in my August Glam Bag and I'm loving it! My hubby even said my skin is looking nicer and that's really saying something! I think I'll be buying a full set of their skin care items soon!

Hair Products

A big favourite was also last months favourite and that was my Organix Coconut Milk Hair Serum. I am so obsessed with this stuff! I love how silky soft and smooth it makes my hair and I can see a difference it has made already! My other hair product is the Weather Proof Anti Humidity Spray from Big Sexy Hair, I was so skeptical of this product at first, but now it's one of my favourites and a must have for people with a frizz problem! I'm impressed with how much product you get in the sample size and it smells really nice!

Nail Polish

I have four favourites this time around. First is a combination of polishes that I love to wear together! I like to wear Pure Ice Polish in Home Run and I pair it with ELF's chunky gold glitter polish in Gold Star, it looks so pretty together and I've gotten compliments on it! Next is a neon yellow polish by N.Y.C in the colour Lexington Yellow, (which was my hubby's idea to pick up) I thought it was a perfect Summer colour and it was the last colour I was wearing. (I also got compliments on that one) Last is a new polish that I just got earlier this week (I know not really long enough to be a favourite right?? WRONG!) I am in LOVE with this colour! It is a Revlon Top Speed polish in the colour Lily and OMG it's a GORGEOUS lilac/lavender colour (which is one of my favourite colours) I'm wearing it right now and I am going to wear the heck out of this polish! Besides the bright vibrant colour, it dries fast, glides on, is very opaque and I am so in love with it!


I haven't been wearing anything too different this month, I wore some nude flats a couple times and my sparkly black flats once but mainly I've been wearing my Chucks and flip flops (I'm kind of a creature of habit...)

Glitter Flats are from Payless and Nude Flats are from Charlotte Russe.

That's all!

Come back tomorrow for part 2!
What are your favourites this month??


Wednesday 28 August 2013

Movie Time!


Yesterday the hubby and I took his younger cousin to the movies and we saw Planes! I have to admit that it was better than I expected and some parts were pretty funny. It's your basic underdog hero type story, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I knew it was something my hubby would like to see, because he's pretty obsessed with planes haha! Before the movie started we got to the mall about an hour early, so we went to EB Games and yes I got another Sims 3 expansion pack! (University Life!!) I haven't had much time to play yet, but after this post I'm jumping back into the world of the Sims and seeing everything University Life has to offer! After the movie I couldn't resist getting my favourite from Starbucks (I also needed some caffeine) and I was compelled to head over to the Disney Store to look at their Planes merchandise (yeah... having a movie theatre in the mall is not always a good thing hahaha!) We ended up getting a Turbo Dusty figure (now I'm fueling my hubby's obsession, but it's something he loves so I'm not complaining) and I saw the new limited edition princess dolls (they come with their prince).. OMG I WANT THEM ALLLLLLLL! They are so gorgeous! Unfortunately they are also $150 EACH (crying inside) so I won't be getting any of them as I can't justify spending that kind of money on something that I'll only be looking at on occasion (not to mention it's only going to collect dust...) Oh well! I took a picture of my favourite Princess so I'm content enough with that. Today's adventures consist of my playing the Sims and being dragged to Golf World to be bored out of my mind for another hour while my hubby, his brother and two cousins decide whether or not they're going to buy a set of clubs and a whole lot of nonsensical jibber jabber about golf that I can't be bothered to listen to because if I do my brain may melt and run out of my ears... Also they are so indecisive so they'll go back and forth about being serious about playing and they don't want to spend the money if they won't be going (mostly coming from my hubby's brother) and I know at least my hubby and his cousins are serious about playing golf regularly, because they haven't stopped talking about it since they came back Sunday... I'll stop boring you right now, because as I type this out I'm getting bored just thinking about it! (no offence if golf is your sport.. I just find everything about it boring..)

Simple outfit.. Top: Walmart, Cami and Jeans: Old Navy
Yep.. We're NERDS! =P
Coffee Frappuccino and Iced Caramel Macchiato

Monday 26 August 2013

Sunday Funday! (Yesterday's Adventures!)


So yesterday my hubby went golfing for the first time, and he enjoyed it quite a bit! (Even though he had to get up before the sun to get his two cousins and get to the place for their tee time...) I wish I had gotten a photo of him in his polo and khakis (He never wears anything close to that and he looked really handsome hehehe) Anyway, there was no way I was getting up that early and golf doesn't interest me in the least so I stayed home. I got up and Felix and I decided to watch some Netflix (because we all know there is NOTHING on tv on Sundays..) I started watching a new anime (new to me) called Moonphase. It's pretty interesting, it's about a photographer who goes to Germany to take photos in this old castle (he works with the paranormal) and he unexpectedly meets a vampire. She ends up going with him back to Tokyo and he winds up being her "slave" of sorts. There are some pretty funny moments and I find it interesting! (my hubby on the other hand fell asleep and thought it was boring when I was watching it last night) They all came back around 11 am and of course wanted something to eat (this family eats like nobody's business) they are also really indecisive, but eventually they all agreed on Montana's (a steakhouse) They have some good food and the décor is very country. (You even get your drinks served in mason jars) I've said it before, but I do love times like these where we can hang out with our family, eat some good food, laugh and just talk about anything...(We're trying to make getting together more often a habit) We went to the local flea market (If anyone is from Toronto you should know) Dr. Flea's, it's been about two years since I've been there and unfortunately we didn't end up staying very long.. It was really packed, I didn't get a chance to really look around and my hubby was tired from getting up so early... I would have liked to have stayed longer and explore and perhaps I could have taken some photos to share... Maybe next time... After my hubby took a nap, we went to Walmart for nothing in particular (which could be dangerous to your bank account if you get impulsive hahaha) I got the 70's 80's & 90's stuff pack for the Sims 3 (I have most of the Sims 3 packs but can I just say how EXCITED I am for the Sims 4??!!) and we found Hitman Absolution in the bargain bin for $20 CAD (pretty decent price! My hubby is playing it currently) I also got a Revlon nail polish in the shade Lily (its a pretty lilac/lavender purple and I'll be using it next)  

Simple Makeup this weekend

My sister sent this picture of her kitties to me LOL

That was all for my Sunday Adventures!
What did you do over the weekend??


Saturday 24 August 2013

Special Day!

Hey everyone!

Today as the title of this post says is a special day! Today is my wonderful mommy in law's birthday! Unfortunately my hubby had to work today, so we couldn't go out for dinner, but we're planning on going out tomorrow... We still wanted to do something nice for her (because honesty she is the most wonderful kind and caring mommy and she deserves so much!) so we got her some pretty flowers, a nice card and some chocolates... I can't even begin to tell you all how blessed I am to have her! She does everything not only for us, but for the whole family! If there were ever a person deserving of a superhero cape it would be her! I'm very fortunate to have two amazing moms! (It just sucks that I can't see or spend time with my mom very often...) Any way, I'm just really appreciative and grateful for everything she does and has done for us and I wanted to make a short happy birthday post for her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!! 

If today is your birthday I hope you have/had a lovely day spent with the people you care about most!


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Mini Makeup Haul (Hard Candy)

Hey there!

So the hubby and I went to our local Walmart today to get some of the basics.. (Boring I know lol) and it was pretty packed today because of the back to school sale going on.. Which leads me to my find! As I was browsing the sale bins of all the school essentials I came across a $1 bin and in said bin was all of these cute little Hard Candy cosmetics! It looked pretty picked over by the time I got to it, but I managed to get a couple things:

  • Plumping Serum Lipgloss in Uptown Girl
  • Ginormous Lash Volumizing Mascara in Blackout
  • Take Me Out Liner Eyeliner in Abyss
  • 2 Baked Eyeshadows in High Maintenance and Bad Reputation

The only Hard Candy product I've tried is their primer (not a huge fan, but it does the job) so I'm excited to try some of their different products and it's awesome that these are mini sized, so I didn't have to spend the full amount on something I may or may not like... Of course if I do end up liking them I'll be more than willing to spend the full price for the full sized product.. (You can't go wrong for a buck though! Ha ha)

That's all for today!


Thursday 15 August 2013

Newest Read! Also My Obsession With A Fictional Character...

Hey there! 

(I've been mega busy and really stressed for the last few days... I decided that instead of boring you all with half hearted posts everyday, I would just blog when something remotely interesting happens in my life..) 

I recently made an order online from Chapters-Indigo (The Canadian equivalent to Borders or Barns and Noble in the US) but I wasn't intentionally ordering anything for myself... I was buying a book that my hubby wanted and since you get free shipping for orders of $25 CAD or more (and also because the book he wanted was nearly $20 CAD already....) I decided to add to my collection and get a book for myself! I was looking around for the first Pretty Little Liars book (Totally OBSESSED with the show!) but their site didn't have the first book.. SO I my addiction kicked in and I knew that I was still missing 2 books from my all time favourite series, and so I got Stolen Prey by John Sandford and now my collection is nearly complete (until he hopefully makes another book, I'm not sure what my life would be like without new adventures featuring Lucas Davenport.. I'm imagining terrible sadness and a gaping hole in my heart that not even Mrs. Field's White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies could fix... (those are my most favourite kind of cookies ever) A million Caramel Macchiatos from Starbucks wouldn't suffice either... Oh yes I am being very over dramatic, but I'm hoping that John Sandford doesn't decide to end this series anytime soon! Especially since my "relationship" with Lucas Davenport (the main character this series is based around) has lasted as long as my actual relationship with my husband (We've been together nearly ten years! That's a long time to be involved with a book series of any kind, and they don't usually last as long as the Prey Series has.. The only other ones that come to mind are Sue Grafton's Alphabet Series (She is on W now which is the same as the Prey Series number 23) and James Patterson's Women's Murder Club Series (which is catching up, I think he's at number 11 or 12 now) I came to that realization earlier as I was remembering the first time I picked up a Prey novel... I have since then slowly collected 22 of the now 23 books in the series (all in paperback, because I don't care much for hardcover books and it really sucks to wait a year after a new novel has been released to get it in paperback....I somehow manage to wait it out though hahaha) If you have never heard of this series or you have but haven't read any of these books.. GO NOW!! I'll take the blame for your new found obsession LOL I'm currently re-reading every book in order since I acquired them and first read them in random order... Well I have to put that on hold until I finish Stolen Prey, because the new books always take first priority, and I couldn't wait to read through all the other books to get to the new one...

My collection.. In order... 22 out of 23 books! I just need to wait for Silken Prey to come out in paperback...

Are there any book series' that you're obsessed with??

Do you think I would be interested in any of your favourite books??
