Friday 1 November 2013

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! My hubby and I went out with his brother and 2 of our cousins and did some trick or treating; even though the weather was a little less than desirable, we still had a ton of fun. I was SUPER tired and I had maybe 2 or 3 hours of sleep, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend some quality time with my family. (Like I've said before, family is very important and means everything to me) I was a little disappointed that people seemed to stop handing out candy at 7:30-8:00, I remember when I was younger that we would stay out until really late even on school nights... I suppose Halloween is a dying breed and not many celebrate it as much as they used to... Oh well none the less, the little bears (who aren't so little any more....) got a decent haul, plus we had a bit of candy left over at our house so they got to split up what was left ha ha! My hubby dressed up as Batman and since his cousins begged him to trick or treat with them, he shaved his beard off and got some candy too! (He did pretty well haha) Another successful Halloween passed and more memories made...

Some of our decorations
Our pumpkins before we carved them
A tired me with Batman
The usual Superhero pose ha ha
Mommy handed out the candy while we were out
They all liked the giant spider

My hubby's Pumpkin
My pumpkin

The goodies Batman got
My mini me

That's all for now lovelies!!

What kind of spooky things did you do last night?
Did you get any goodies?


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