Monday 11 November 2013

D.I.Y Christmas Card Holder!

Today I bring to you a super fast and really easy DIY project! This took me all of 2 minutes to do.. (maybe less ha ha) I found this really cute reindeer at the Dollarama on Friday and I wanted it because it's used as a count down to Christmas. (it's body is a chalk board and it says "...days till Christmas" and you simply write the number of days in and I thought it was neat to have as part of our Christmas décor!) I wrote in my last DIY post that I wanted make a Christmas card holder using ribbon, and looking at my fat reindeer gave me the idea to utilize it as both a card holder and a cute decoration! 

You will need:

  • A festive sign (If you don't like the type I used, you can always make your own! (Pinterest is full of fun ideas!) Or you can find more sign type items at the dollar stores, I saw a few that were cute and said things like: Ho Ho Ho and Reindeer Crossing)
  • Ribbon (I used the wired kind, and I went with a Christmas-y pattern.)
  • Some glue or tape (which ever you prefer to use to attach your ribbon to your sign)
  • Scissors 

All you need to do is cut some ribbon (as many pieces at the desired length as you want) and glue or tape them to the back of your sign. (If you used glue, let it dry thoroughly before hanging your sign.) I took the clothes pins I made in my last post and clipped them onto the ribbon. Simple, adorable, and ready for all your Christmas cards! (I got my sign and ribbons from Dollarama and my clothes pins are from Walmart)

That's all for today lovelies!
Do you send Christmas cards??
(I do!)


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