Sunday 24 November 2013

Weekend Shopping And Adventures!

Hey there!

I hope everyone's weekend has been as AMAZING as mine has! I got to spend Friday and Saturday with my hubby which has been a rarity these days.. I did a little shopping as well and I spent some quality time with my little bear and also, I realized that I truly have an awesome group of friends! (sometimes I can forget how blessed I really am, so it's nice to be reminded every now and then that I'm missed and people actually care about me and the goings on in my life!) Friday my hubby had plans to go out with our friends for dinner, and I decided not to go because they were going to a sushi place and unfortunately I'm allergic to seafood... (I didn't feel comfortable eating from there...) I didn't want to stop him from going however, so even though he didn't want to go without me I told him to go anyway. Before he left though, he took us (little bear and I) to the mall, because I wanted to go to Bath and Body Works (obsessed!) I picked up a few things, but since my hubby was short on time we didn't stay for very long... We got Starbucks and then headed home.. The plus side to not going out with him was that I got to spend time with my little bear, aka my adopted little sister (she's really my hubby's cousin, but we consider ourselves sisters and I love it!) We talked and watched Puss in Boots (so hilarious!) and we played some Wii; it was tons of fun and I wouldn't trade those times for anything in the world! Saturday I had plans of cleaning, but that didn't happen... (I wanted to organize things and put my mountain of laundry away.. Okay, so maybe not a mountain but it feels like it sometimes... ha ha) My mommy in law wanted to go to Sears for the longest time now, so we made some time to take her (I love her to bits and would do anything for her, she really is the best!) I'm not sure how true this is, but I've heard that Sears is closing their doors, at least in Canada? They're having massive sales right now, so maybe it's true? I really hope not, because we don't really have any department stores besides The Bay, and it's like Macy's... (expensive...) I'd love for Kohl's or even JC Penny to come up here... (le sigh) Any way, I didn't look around too much there, because it was pure chaos and everything was a jumbled mess.. I did however pick up a cute winter sweater for super cheap, and then we made our way over to HMV, so I could get Daughtry's new album. (LOVE) We got our first snow fall too! Usually when we first start getting snow it's not enough to stick and it doesn't snow for too long, but it was going pretty good on and off all day... (I love the snow!) Other than that, we spent some time with one of my hubby's cousins and we hung out at home. It's been a great weekend, and even though I might be coming down with a cold (boo) I can't help but be in a fabulous mood this time of the year! Christmas is drawing closer and we'll be decorating soon! I guess it's the spirit of the season that makes me feel so happy, seeing all the decorations and the snow and the anticipation of Christmas, I just love everything about winter!

I had another warm vanilla sugar spray in the mini bottle, but I asked little bear if she wanted one and she picked that one =]
When it started snowing

View this morning after the snow
I had to break out my big fluffy winter coat because it was so cold!

That's all for today lovelies!
How was your weekend??


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