Tuesday 18 June 2013

Why Hello There!

Hello everyone!

My Name is Samantha, although everyone just calls me Sammy, so I guess you can too! A little about me: 

  • I live in Toronto, Canada
  • I'm originally from California
  • I am married (6 years now!)
  • I am 24 years old 
  • I LOVE video games! (Hardcore over here LOL I've been playing video games since I was old enough to hold a Nintendo controller)
  • I love to watch anime and the weirder the better! (However, I still love the classics: Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z)
  • I collect random anime figures and scented candles.. Oh and those POP Vinyl figures! Love those!
  • I am OBSESSED with Owls I think they are soooooooooooooooo cute!
  • I love crafting and have my own Etsy Shop! www.etsy.com/shop/stitchyworld

As you may tell from the aforementioned information I am pretty nerdy/geeky, but I have a new love for make-up, beauty and fashion! I've worn make-up since I was maybe 14 or 15, but I never had anyone to teach me techniques and things like that... So one day I found this girl while I was looking around randomly on Pinterest, and she did beauty videos on YouTube... This was back in August of last year.. Needless to say I was hooked and I entered into this whole new world, and I was a little overwhelmed, but mostly excited to learn new things! Oh yes and that girl was Carli from Carlibel55.. She is gorgeous and so nice and I have really learned a lot from her, not to mention she opened up my world to other beauty gurus/vloggers. 

 I never had much make-up and I had almost no experience with how to apply it and all that other crazy stuff. Just watching videos of these gorgeous girls apply their make-up and what products they love inspired me to try new things and to learn to love make-up and myself, instead of just using it to cover up whatever flaws I felt I needed to cover.. (I used to NEVER leave the house without make-up) I suppose that's another story, not really.. I just never felt comfortable with myself to go without it...

Any ways that was sort of a ramble-y long introduction to why I decided to create this blog... 
I am no expert and I will never EVER claim otherwise ha ha but I felt if I could share some things I love and learned maybe someone who was like I was a year ago can take something away from this. I'll be posting random things from all over the place like:

  • Ipsy Glam Bags
  • Beauty Buys
  • Fashion Buys
  • Video Games
  • Monthly Favourites
  • Food
  • Books I'm Reading
  • Songs I Can't Get Out of My Head
  • Nature
And really whatever other thing I feel like sharing with the world from my life..

That's about it for now! 


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