Friday 21 June 2013

Crafty Time! Pixel Art

Hi everyone!

Today's post is about crafts, and I am obsessed with crafting and I even told my hubby that if I could live in Michaels Craft Store I totally would! I would NEVER get bored there, because there is just so much potential and endless possibilities! I got into crafts at the beginning of 2009; I saw these adorable handmade dolls on Google and then I came across I decided I wanted to learn to make super cute things and thus my obsession began! (I LOVE Japanese/Anime style plushies and everything Kawaii!!) My very first creation was this pitiful looking pink bunny that was horridly stitched together and I used the worst type of fabric for a beginner and it frayed all over the place... I was so proud of that little bunny though, because it was something that I made with my own two hands. Any way fast forward a few months from my first creation and I came across these AMAZING works of art made out of  beads. I was enthralled in the world of 8-bit art and I HAD to learn how to make them! (Nostalgia coming on ha ha they reminded me so much of my childhood and the video games I grew up playing) It was like reaching into the television and pulling out your favourite Super Nintendo characters! SO I got some beads and a peg board and a cheap iron and got to crafting! The first thing I ever made was a small red mushroom from Mario Bros. 3 (No surprise here since Mario 3 is my ALL TIME FAVOURITE!) ha ha ha. The back of my bedroom door is now covered in these super cute 8-bit sprites and I may be in to making some more in the future, for now I have been sticking to plushies and if you would like to check out my Etsy feel free! ( Crafting has become my second favourite hobby and passion, first of course being video games and my new third is make up and fashion! below I'll post some of my pixel sprites... 

That's all for now! 
Do you craft??


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