Thursday 20 June 2013

Video Game Buys!

Hi there!

So this is the nerdy part of this blog and one of my favourite things ever! Video games! We haven't really bought any new games in a while.. (I'm thinking Christmas was the last time) June is a special month for my hubby and I, it's his birthday month and both of our anniversaries fall a week apart from eachother! We have never been the kind to buy "traditional" gifts for anniversaries or Valentines, we usually buy each other something like games or books or whatever ha ha. That is why we have a few new goodies this month! The newest additions to our collection are:

  • God of War: Ascension
  • Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse
  • Bioshock: Infinite
  • Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
  • Mario Kart 7
  • Tomb Raider
I have to say that I am really Impressed with each of these games!

I don't play God of War, but my hubby does and he loves it! (ever since I told him he should try it and if he didn't like it he could return it, because I'm awesome like that! That was a few years ago and ever since he has played the heck out of every God of War game) I like to watch him play. The graphics are stunning and the game play is amazing (with a few lags here and there, I'm sure the game has a few bugs but it isn't horribly noticeable) The story line is as always interesting and this is a prequel in case anyone was wondering... I'm not going to give away the story, but there are some new features and a new on-line multiplayer and of course some old features we have come to know with God of War like gorgon eyes, phoenix feathers, magic, irritating and hard puzzles (that a certain wife helps her hubby to figure out, even though he would probably never willingly admit it ha ha) buckets of blood and gore, a whole lot of naked chicks and mythical creatures that Kratos beats into oblivion with an array of powerful and awesome looking attacks. Definitely a game that appeals to the men in our lives, but it is fun to watch if you're not into actually playing the game for yourself!


Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse is so much fun! Especially since this game has a 2 player co-op for its story mode! My hubby and I were playing this game for hours ha ha.... As far as graphics go, this game isn't that impressive compared to other games in this post, but its still pretty decent and it looks pretty cartoon-y... The storyline is interesting and you get to be Stewie or Brian (How much better could it be?!) You get to run around different worlds and use a few cool weapons to aid in your battle against Stewie's arch nemesis Bertram. There are some awesome special items in addition to your own arsenal, like the Giant Chicken, Joe, Rupert in a box, Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man (what a mouth full!!) and some others that all have useful abilities while playing through, these are especially helpful in the multiverse mode where you have to fight off waves of enemies without dying! (Hubby and I made it to round 20 something before dying) Trophies add some extra incentives to do stupid stuff like taunt your dead opponent with Quagmire or pick Meg to use in multiverse mode. If you're a Family Guy fan, and a game lover, I suggest giving this game a go! It really is so much fun!

Bioshock is another series my hubby loves, and I really like it too! What appealed to me besides the underwater city of Rapture and the Big Daddys/Little Sisters was the time period the first 2 Bioshock games were set in. (I have a fascination with the 50's) However, Bioshock: Infinite is set in 1912, and I have to say the commercials for this game did not sell me... I felt the game looked completely different from the original concept of Bioshock and I didn't think I would like it, surprisingly and thankfully I was wrong! The graphics are pretty amazing and the fact that this is set on a floating city is pretty awesome! I love the old time look and feel this game has, the characters and backgrounds are dressed in period clothing and the attention to detail is beyond comparable, which was another thing that drew me to Bioshock. You can acquire an arsenal of weapons and an array of magical powers just like the previous games and this time instead of saving Little Sisters, you're sent to break out a woman named Elizabeth who thankfully can take care of herself! I don't want to give anymore away, so if you're a Bioshock fan or are looking for something new and interesting to play this is a good option!

I have to admit I never thought about playing Luigi's Mansion when it first came out for the Game Cube. When I got my 3DS, I figured why not?? My hubby gave me the new one for our anniversary and it has fast become one of my favourites! Its a lot of fun to play and it takes a different spin on the Mario Bros. world. I am a huge Mario fan and never really cared for Luigi ( my sister or hubby is always second player when we play Mario Bros. and I am ALWAYS Mario! ha ha ha) This game has not entirely changed my opinion of Luigi, he acts like a scared-y cat and trembles through the mansion as you play the levels. He doesn't fight as Mario would but instead takes on a sort of Ghostbusters persona with cool paranormal gear/gadgets. The levels are fairly short, and are separated into Chapters, there are puzzles you have to figure out and when ever you get a new gadget you have to utilize it to figure out where to go or what to do next. The ghosts aren't hard to beat, though some can be more annoying than others. You can look for gems and collect coins to upgrade your gear and it's always fun to re-explore areas you have already been to when you get a new gadget. Overall I am really liking this game and I'm glad my hubby got it for me!

In my opinion the original Mario Kart for Super Nintendo and Mario Kart 64 are the best of the best in this series, but that doesn't mean I don't own or like to play the other varieties in this series! Personally I like heading off against other people when playing Mario Kart, (I am SUPER competitive! Blood shed is not uncommon when we play ha ha ha well maybe not, but I am that competitive!) so the hand held versions never really took centre stage for me, but I love to play them while travelling, since there isn't as much commitment to keep playing if I get to my destination or I get bored of playing (like say if I were playing a different game and in the middle of a huge boss fight I couldn't just quit) and there's no need to save. There are some new features in this version, new tracks, new items and an on-line mode.. There are also some tracks from previous games and there are some similarities to the Wii version like Kart stats and things like that... Pretty good game over all.

Now for my most favourite game of the group! I have been a long time fan of the Tomb Raider series and I own them all! Lara Croft certainly has come a long way from her PS One days. The graphics of this game are beyond words! Everything is so vivid and life like! The game play has really changed since Underworld; there are no distinct levels in this game, its all like one big level. There is no health bar like all the previous games, instead the health system is like Call of Duty. Instead of needing health packs you simply take cover and your health regenerates. She acquires various weapons as always, only this time she's a novice to the world of survival and weaponry. This game is the prequel to the Tomb Raider series and shows us how Lara Croft became the bad ass treasure hunter we all know and love. She is stranded on an island; alone for the most part, and has to learn to do everything in order to survive. (She has to find cover and hunt for food in the very beginning) By earning XP Lara can upgrade her gear, hunter and brawler techniques and also learn survivor skills. This game has in a sense has made me appreciate Lara Croft even more seeing her story trough this game (Yes I am aware she isn't real, but that doesn't stop me from respecting her all the same) Oh! I almost forgot to mention what a steal we got this game for! The original price for any new PS 3 game is around $60 CAD, we however scooped this baby up for half price brand spanking new! Thank you EB Games for enabling our game addiction ha ha ha!

                                                               That's all for now!     
                                           What kind of games have you picked up recently??

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