Monday 24 June 2013

Currently Reading.....

Hey again!

Okay, so I LOVE to read! I think my parents passed that habit on to my sister and I, because we are all a big bunch of book worms! ha ha My dad always read to us or told us stories before bed every night, and both of my parents were always reading especially in the Summer. I read all year round, but since the weather is so much nicer now that it's Summer, I tend to want to read a lot more! It's so easy to pick up a book and go hang out some where outside and enjoy the sunshine and escape into the world of whatever book you're currently reading. I'm into mostly Thriller, Horror, Murder/Mystery type books and some of my favourite authors include: Stephen King, John Sandford, James Patterson, and Dean Koontz... (there are obviously many many more, but they are escaping my mind right now..) At any given time it wouldn't be uncommon for me to be reading anywhere from 2-5 or more books... (that might seem confusing, but I usually start reading a book as soon as I buy or receive a new one) Right now I'm in the middle of reading five books not including the Bible. (Yes I read the Bible, Yes I am a Christian, Yes I LOVE Jesus with all of my heart and NO I am NOT a judgemental closed minded lunatic who hates on people with different views from my own and shoves religion down peoples throats...) I just wanted to put sort of a disclaimer in here, because two of the books I am currently reading are Devotionals and I wasn't going to leave them out for the sake of not offending anyone or for the fact that I might get hate for what I believe in; because they are two books that I'm reading right now and the point of this blog was to write about what I'm currently reading...

Onto my current reads!

First up is The Shining by Stephen King. I LOVE Stephen King and The Shining is one of my all time favourite movies! Yet I have never read the book.. (I know right?!) I finally decided to pick it up; and obviously I love it so far, because truth is that the book is ALWAYS better than the movie. We all know that some authors can take a whole chapter to describe one room, and a movie is usually only two hours long, so naturally they would have to condense the story down. If you live under a rock and have NEVER heard of The Shining... WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU??!! Ha ha ha just kidding! The Shining is about the Torrance family and Jack (the father) who is an author by trade gets a second job at the prestigious Overlook Hotel (that has a very colourful past as Jack will soon discover) as the off season care taker. He decides to take his family (Wendy and Danny) with him, because he will be living in the hotel for the Winter season. His son has a special ability which the head cook calls shining, and without giving the whole plot away and ruining the book for you, he can see and hear things others can't. Its a supernatural and psychological thriller that only the master of Horror Stephen King can bring, and it is easily on the top of my list of all time favourite books written by him.

Next is a series that I am starting to get into... I have been a long time Resident Evil fan; I've seen every movie a zillion times and I own every game. When I found out that there was a series of books based on the video games I HAD to get them! The first book of the series is Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy and  is written by S.D. Perry. This book follows the first RE game and is centred around  Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, Albert Wesker and the other S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) members. It's pretty cool to dive a little more into the characters and learn more about who they are, because you don't get to see all of those more personal things while playing the game. This book is about the mission to the Arklay Mountains and the infiltration of the Umbrella mansion and the outbreak of the T-Virus; so if you're familiar with the games at all you know this is basically the story for the first RE. It's an interesting read, and I can't wait to add the other books to my collection. (I currently own the first and second books)

Next is a book from a series that I have been OBSESSED with for as long as I can remember! I am currently re-reading the series in order, because I originally read the books as I acquired them. (what ever ones I could get my hands on I bought and immediately read) I am on the fourth book of the series. The amazingly wonderful series that I am completely obsessed with is of course the Prey series written by John Sandford. The Prey series is all about the life of the rugged, incredibly sexy, ridiculously wealthy, no nonsense, does it his own way and doesn't care what you think Lucas Davenport. I swear if this man were real I would make it my life's mission to marry him! ha ha ha (if only I were joking....) THANK  YOU SO MUCH John Sandford for giving me an undeniably weird obsession with a fictional character.... (As if I needed another reason for people to think I'm weird.. HA HA) Any way! The book I'm reading from this series currently is called Silent Prey. It is sort of a "sequel" to the previous book Eyes of Prey, because it is about the killer who was caught in that book and he escapes from prison and it's up to Lucas to play cat and mouse with the deranged former Pathologist and Surgeon Dr. Michael Bekker. (The other books are still all about Lucas, but there are a few books that carry over killers and therefore can be referred to as a sequel. It isn't too important if you read them in order or not, because John Sandford kind of re-explains important details.) This series always has you on the edge of your seat and I can never put a Prey novel down once I start; and they are always the first books I start to read whenever I get new books! This series never gets old to me and I'll be re-reading it for a long time to come.

Last are the two Devotionals I'm reading. They are both by Pastor Charles Swindoll. I've listened to Chuck Swindoll's sermons since I was like three years old. (No joke, my dad told me I always used to turn the television off and turn the radio on and tell him it was time for Bible study) I now listen to them on Podcast. He is very kind hearted, inspirational and at times very funny, it's always a comfort to me to listen to his sermons, no matter what they are about really, because it feels like home to me. Plus there is nothing more soothing to the soul than the inspiring words of God. If  I've had a bad day or I'm angry or upset about something I'll get into my Bible study and almost instantly, I'll be fine again. The Devotionals I am reading are called: Living the Proverbs: Insight for the Daily Grind, and the other is: Living the Psalms: Encouragement for the Daily Grind (This is an e-book I am reading on my iPad.) Without getting too deep into it, these books focus on the book of Proverbs and the book of Psalms specifically, it is a daily devotional that is broken down by weeks. Each new week looks at a new Proverb and Psalm, then the next seven days are spent breaking down that specific piece of scripture and they talk about what certain parts of the scripture mean and how they relate to our lives and how we can implement them and deal with the "daily grind" while still having a strong relationship with God. I feel like it's always important to know that God is always there for you, no matter the situation and you can always turn to Him for guidance and unconditional love if you're feeling lost or alone.

What are you currently reading??
Is there a series out there you think I would enjoy reading??


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