Sunday 23 June 2013

Summer Days... Nature In Our Own Backyard!

Why hello again!

Summer officially arrived on Friday June 21st, and it hasn't really felt like a true Summer yet here in Toronto. We have had a few beautiful sunny days, but we've also had a lot of rain and thunderstorms. I do love rain, don't get me wrong, however I want my Summers to be full of sunshine and blue skies! That being said we had a GORGEOUS day and my hubby and I enjoyed it by hanging out in our backyard soaking up the warm sun and watching the birds fly around looking for food in our garden. I am definitely looking forward to many more beautiful warm sunny days this summer! (although as I type this it is absolutely dreadful out side.. Dark grey skies and sporadic rain... BOO) It's times like these that make me miss the beautiful California sunshine... (I'm not trying to say that it never rains in California, because it most certainly does! We do get a lot more sunshine on the West Coast though....) Any way, I love how beautiful, lush, and full of life our garden gets in the Spring and Summer time, it's really relaxing and quite tranquil to just sit out on the swing and watch the squirrels and birds roam around. The backyard is probably the most favourite place in our house; everyone loves to spend time out there, as they should! (ha ha) My mother in law loves to spend time in the garden, (she's out there every single day) so every Spring/Summer she goes wild and plants a variety of beautifully vibrant flowers. (We also usually always have some kind of flowers around the house) I love taking photos of the new flowers we have, because I just love the life flowers can bring into a space! I have always had a love and admiration for nature, but think my appreciation for flowers happened when my Granny started her rose garden; she always had the most beautiful roses I've ever seen! She has a smaller garden now, but the garden at her old house was something amazing to see! Okay, let's get to the fun part, the photos!! 

I'm not sure what kind of birds those were, but there were a lot of them all over the place! We think they may have a nest in our pear tree..

I hope you're having a beautiful day where ever you are!
Do you garden or have a favourite place to relax?

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