Tuesday 24 September 2013

So You're In A Long Distance Relationship?

Hey there!

I wanted to talk a little about long distance relationships and bust the myth that they NEVER work out...

I feel like every relationship is different, no matter the circumstances. You could have 100 different couples who are in a LDR, but they all aren't going to be the same! It irritates me that people tend to put these types of relationships in a box and say that all relationships that involve long distance don't work out... I feel that if you are with someone you should be with that person and that's it long distance or other wise. I can't stand people who cheat on their significant other instead of doing the right thing and just ending the relationship. The biggest part of LDR and any relationship really, is trust. If you're always worrying that the other person is doing something they shouldn't and that they aren't being faithful to you, then perhaps you should consider ending that relationship... The first three years of my relationship with my now husband was long distance, and I NEVER had to worry if he was going to be unfaithful or do something he shouldn't and he never had to worry about me doing the same. It sucks BIG time to be far apart from the person you love, but if you keep in contact consistently throughout the day it really helps! I remember e-mailing back and forth multiple times a day with my hubby and this was before either of us had a cell phone... We used to chat online all the time and eventually we were able to text and call each other everyday. These days it's a whole lot easier to talk to your significant other, Skype is one of the most amazing technological advances I've ever used! It's great not just for LDR, but also for seeing friends and family! I feel a million times better after a Skype call to my sister and my dad when I'm feeling homesick.. Since I'll be going back home this Winter, I'll be utilizing Skype a lot! Another important factor is honesty! I feel like a lot of couples are too quick to hide things and lie to their partners.. If you're not honest, you're going to lose the trust and then your relationship will probably fail... Privacy is pretty important as well, I'm not saying that you shouldn't know the things that your partner is involved in, but you shouldn't be snooping around their things and searching through their phone 24/7.. If you have a problem trusting them, then you should evaluate your relationship.. 

Basically it boils down to trust, if you have trust and you're faithful and honest with one another then you should have a strong relationship no matter where either of you are. I'm not saying that it will be super easy and you won't have any problems, but it makes things a whole lot easier when you're not creating unnecessary obstacles in your relationship.

Some ideas:

  • Visit one another when ever possible
  • Email, chat, skype, text, call when you can and throughout the day
  • Send small gifts now and then to show that you're thinking about one another
  • Keep busy doing PRODUCTIVE things! (School, Work, spending time with family, etc) 
  • Try to stay away from places that could lead to trouble and mistrust like parties and clubs, if you want to hang out with friends go shopping or to the movies, there are a lot of fun things to do that don't involve alcohol or the wrong types of people
  • Take everything one day at a time. There are going to be bad days or sad days

Long distance relationships can and do work out, but you both have to be willing to stick it out and work for it! They say that the things worth having never came easy. I've been with my husband for almost nine and a half years and we've been married nearly six and a half, if we can do it anyone can!

That's all for today lovelies!


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