Thursday 19 September 2013

Highlights Of Yesterday's Adventures

Yesterday my hubby had the day off and we had quite a bit to do... The main reason for going out was to go get a jungle gym for Felix (Yes, he is the most spoiled bird on the face of the planet... I honestly can't help myself LOL he's just too adorable!) I also had to exchange a top I got, and my hubby had to look into something golf related... I seriously didn't want to leave Pet Smart! They had some ADORABLE kitties and budgies and I wanted them all! (I LOVE animals and if I could I would just have a zoo in my home of all sorts of different animals! I wish I would have taken some photos of them..) I'm so excited that fall and Halloween items are starting to make an appearance in stores now! (Just about every store we went to had a few items here and there) After all of that we decided to go over to a cousin's house, because they're (my hubby, his brother and our cousin) all showing off their new sets of golf clubs... (can you say BORING?!) Our cousin was playing some old school SNES when we showed up, and since they all decided to talk about golf and look at clubs I got in some classic gaming with Mario Kart! (One of my childhood favourites!) After they were done comparing notes and planning their next golf outing, we all took turns playing Wrestlemania (another childhood favourite for everyone) There were a lot of jokes and plenty of nostalgia to go around.. It definitely made me miss my childhood, but it was really awesome to go back to the classics and reminisce about the good old days while adding some new memories to the old ones. I said it yesterday and I'll write it here: I don't care how great the graphics get or how advanced the technology becomes, NOTHING beats old school 8-bit gaming! My children will know and play all of the classic games before they know the newest ones...

Here's some of the stuff I saw whilst out and about!

We ended up going to:

Pet Smart
Golf Town
Mastermind Toys

That's all for today lovelies!


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