Tuesday 10 September 2013

My Weekend (In Photos)


I realize it's Tuesday; and the weekend was over yesterday, but I thought I'd share little bit of my weekend with you! (Also I should have posted this yesterday, but I wasn't doing anything productive and I played Sims 3 University Life for a good amount of the day...lol) 

PS: If you didn't know...I'm sort of the homebody type, so there was nothing crazy or super exciting this weekend. I ran some errands and pretty much chilled at home..

Simple makeup and ponytail kind of weekend
Pretty Sunset
One of my favourite treats
Blue Rilakkuma soup cup!
New makeup goodies
This missing puzzle piece looked like a Domo to me!

Puzzle number 1

Puzzle number 2
New nailpolish
My current nails
its 99 now, but I was so excited to hit 100! woot! lol
Sorry to put my ugly toes out there, (I think feet in general are ugly and mine are no exception to that...) but if you can see that nasty bruise on my toe, I got it by inadvertently kicking my hubby's steel toe work boots... OUCH.. Its swollen and purple... yey for me... UGH 
Random license plate
Ofcourse one of the best parts of the weekend! Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, and two bite cinnamon rolls to go with it! *grin*

That was my weekend in a few photos!

What was your weekend like?


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