Wednesday 25 September 2013

Online Shopping Adventures! (eBay!)

Hey there!

I've said before that I used to be a huge online shopper, and my favourite place to go was and still is eBay! You can find a plethora of various types of items to buy or bid on and some things you can get for a heck of a steal! I like to buy random things, but today I wanted to share a few accessories that I've bought off eBay.. Now unlike Amazon, eBay has some less than reputable sellers out there.. It's sort of a coin toss with the things you buy and the people you buy from... I've always gotten my items and in good condition, my hubby on the other hand has not been so fortunate... SO a thing to look out for is the feedback! I like to go with someone with a high positive feedback (now with power sellers it's not always logical to find someone with only 100% positive feedback, because they sell so many items on a regular basis and you just can't please some people no matter how hard you try..) I don't go with anyone under a 95% rating, and even then I check their most recent feedback and see how many negative ratings they got... Over all I've been happy with everything I've ever bought from eBay and I've been buying from the site for the last 6 years now... If you would rather go down the safer way, maybe stick to Amazon. (they also have a ton of awesome stuff)

Any way! Here is my most recent accessory purchase:

Simple but cute right?? This is a turquoise and white rope bracelet with little metal trinkets..

Here are some of my past purchases:

That's all for today lovelies!

Do you have a favourite accessory purchase from Amazon or eBay? 


Tuesday 24 September 2013

So You're In A Long Distance Relationship?

Hey there!

I wanted to talk a little about long distance relationships and bust the myth that they NEVER work out...

I feel like every relationship is different, no matter the circumstances. You could have 100 different couples who are in a LDR, but they all aren't going to be the same! It irritates me that people tend to put these types of relationships in a box and say that all relationships that involve long distance don't work out... I feel that if you are with someone you should be with that person and that's it long distance or other wise. I can't stand people who cheat on their significant other instead of doing the right thing and just ending the relationship. The biggest part of LDR and any relationship really, is trust. If you're always worrying that the other person is doing something they shouldn't and that they aren't being faithful to you, then perhaps you should consider ending that relationship... The first three years of my relationship with my now husband was long distance, and I NEVER had to worry if he was going to be unfaithful or do something he shouldn't and he never had to worry about me doing the same. It sucks BIG time to be far apart from the person you love, but if you keep in contact consistently throughout the day it really helps! I remember e-mailing back and forth multiple times a day with my hubby and this was before either of us had a cell phone... We used to chat online all the time and eventually we were able to text and call each other everyday. These days it's a whole lot easier to talk to your significant other, Skype is one of the most amazing technological advances I've ever used! It's great not just for LDR, but also for seeing friends and family! I feel a million times better after a Skype call to my sister and my dad when I'm feeling homesick.. Since I'll be going back home this Winter, I'll be utilizing Skype a lot! Another important factor is honesty! I feel like a lot of couples are too quick to hide things and lie to their partners.. If you're not honest, you're going to lose the trust and then your relationship will probably fail... Privacy is pretty important as well, I'm not saying that you shouldn't know the things that your partner is involved in, but you shouldn't be snooping around their things and searching through their phone 24/7.. If you have a problem trusting them, then you should evaluate your relationship.. 

Basically it boils down to trust, if you have trust and you're faithful and honest with one another then you should have a strong relationship no matter where either of you are. I'm not saying that it will be super easy and you won't have any problems, but it makes things a whole lot easier when you're not creating unnecessary obstacles in your relationship.

Some ideas:

  • Visit one another when ever possible
  • Email, chat, skype, text, call when you can and throughout the day
  • Send small gifts now and then to show that you're thinking about one another
  • Keep busy doing PRODUCTIVE things! (School, Work, spending time with family, etc) 
  • Try to stay away from places that could lead to trouble and mistrust like parties and clubs, if you want to hang out with friends go shopping or to the movies, there are a lot of fun things to do that don't involve alcohol or the wrong types of people
  • Take everything one day at a time. There are going to be bad days or sad days

Long distance relationships can and do work out, but you both have to be willing to stick it out and work for it! They say that the things worth having never came easy. I've been with my husband for almost nine and a half years and we've been married nearly six and a half, if we can do it anyone can!

That's all for today lovelies!


Thursday 19 September 2013

Highlights Of Yesterday's Adventures

Yesterday my hubby had the day off and we had quite a bit to do... The main reason for going out was to go get a jungle gym for Felix (Yes, he is the most spoiled bird on the face of the planet... I honestly can't help myself LOL he's just too adorable!) I also had to exchange a top I got, and my hubby had to look into something golf related... I seriously didn't want to leave Pet Smart! They had some ADORABLE kitties and budgies and I wanted them all! (I LOVE animals and if I could I would just have a zoo in my home of all sorts of different animals! I wish I would have taken some photos of them..) I'm so excited that fall and Halloween items are starting to make an appearance in stores now! (Just about every store we went to had a few items here and there) After all of that we decided to go over to a cousin's house, because they're (my hubby, his brother and our cousin) all showing off their new sets of golf clubs... (can you say BORING?!) Our cousin was playing some old school SNES when we showed up, and since they all decided to talk about golf and look at clubs I got in some classic gaming with Mario Kart! (One of my childhood favourites!) After they were done comparing notes and planning their next golf outing, we all took turns playing Wrestlemania (another childhood favourite for everyone) There were a lot of jokes and plenty of nostalgia to go around.. It definitely made me miss my childhood, but it was really awesome to go back to the classics and reminisce about the good old days while adding some new memories to the old ones. I said it yesterday and I'll write it here: I don't care how great the graphics get or how advanced the technology becomes, NOTHING beats old school 8-bit gaming! My children will know and play all of the classic games before they know the newest ones...

Here's some of the stuff I saw whilst out and about!

We ended up going to:

Pet Smart
Golf Town
Mastermind Toys

That's all for today lovelies!


Monday 16 September 2013

My Weekend (In Photos)


I thought it was fun to post some of my weekend through pictures, so I decided to do it again! This weekend we went shopping on Orfus Road (it's a long stretch of road that has nothing but outlet stores! Everything is so affordable! It's pretty amazing!) we also got to hang out with family and we played some Wii and went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream (Yum!) I wish my little bears (my hubby's two younger cousins, they're more like little sisters to me) could have spent the night but it's school time now, so I don't want to get in the middle of whatever their routine is...(they are just growing up too fast!) *sad face* Anyway! We had some pretty nice weather for a change, and it was nice to be out and about!

I found this to be quite hilarious LOL
Newest goodies!
This is after sneezing for about 5 minutes straight... UGH I hate allergies!! Good thing I decided not to wear makeup!
Owl purses! 

Italian Sausage YUM!
Italian Sausage

I didn't have enough time to really look around and shop.. Sirens was the only place I bought anything... Oh well, there's always next time!
I took my Hello Kitty Tote bag instead of my Coach swing pack (I strained my right shoulder and it irritates my shoulder to wear a cross body bag.. BOO (But this bag is really cute and is perfect for shopping!
Time to go home!

Felix decided to take a bath!
In order: Koopa was me, Yoshi was my hubby and baby peach and peach were his cousins
I'm always first player! heh heh

That's all lovelies!

How was your weekend??


Sunday 15 September 2013

Shopping Adventures! (Inexpensive Makeup Buy! Small Essence CosmeticsHaul)

Hey again!

I have to say that Essence Cosmetics is steadfastly becoming my favourite inexpensive drug store brand! (I still love you Wet N' Wild!) ha ha ha! I had to mail something out the other day and our post office is inside the Shoppers Drug Mart.. Which if you're like me and tend to buy on impulse, it could be a bad thing! (LOL) I picked up seven items from the recently restocked Essence display and everything cost me under $25 CAD! Pretty good deal especially since Shoppers tends to run on the more expensive side... (The L'oreal BB Cream I wrote about in a recent post costs almost $20 CAD at shoppers! Glad I picked mine up from Walmart...) I really can't say enough about this brand! It's so affordable, there's a decent variety of products and colours, everything is so pigmented, long lasting and it's all good quality. (well everything I've gotten so far that is!) 

This time around I bought:

  • Colour and Go Nail Polish in 108 Ultimate Pink ($1.99CAD)
  • Colour and Go Nail Polish in 109 Off To Miami ($1.99 CAD)
  • Eyebrow Designer in 04 Blonde ($1.99CAD)
  • Sun Club Matt Bronzing Powder for Blondes (lighter skin) in 01 Natural ($4.99CAD)
  • 3D Eyeshadow in 03 Irresistible First Love ($3.49CAD)
  • 3D Eyeshadow in 04 Irresistible Caramel Cream ($3.49CAD)
  • 3D Eyeshadow in 06 Irresistible Mermaid Kiss ($3.49CAD)
My total with taxes and the cost of a plastic bag: $24.27 CAD

I have two other colour and go polishes already and I have to say they are very opaque, vibrant, fast drying and are all around good quality. My polish lasted about a week without chipping and I didn't use a base or top coat... (I ALWAYS forget to use them...) 

I'm always looking for new brow products, I hope this pencil works well for me.

I've heard a lot of good things about this bronzer and since it's made for lighter skin tones I really hope this will give me a glow instead of looking orange or muddy... I've almost given up on bronzer, hopefully this will change my mind! (It smells like coconut, I don't really care for coconut.. Hopefully the fragrance isn't too strong when I put this on..)

Of course when I picked out these eyeshadow duos I went for the neutral colours and the pink and silver colours..(I just can't seem to get outside my comfortable little box ha ha) This teal duo on the other hand, is completely out of left field for me! I saw it and put it back and then ended up getting anyway because it practically jumped off the shelf and into my hand and said BUY ME! (LOL) These are all super pigmented, very pretty, and very shimmery (VERY shimmery!) the package says to try them wet for a more intense
effect, I can't wait to try them out!

That's all for today lovelies!
