Monday 26 May 2014

One Year With Ipsy! (Review)

I thought I would share all 12 of my glam bags and do a sort of review of Ipsy and their service from my point of view.. Obviously everyone will have a different opinion and will have gotten different products but this is just from my own personal experience. 

I first heard of Ipsy through You Tube, and I was hesitant about subscribing, because there were a lot of negative reviews. However, it seemed that they were from a few years ago when the glam bag was still fairly new. I feel like I subscribed around a good time, because it looked like Ipsy was revamping the products they were offering and just stepping things up in general, so I decided to give it a try and see if I would like it. I picked Ipsy for a few reasons, but mainly because of the fact that they were different than any of the other services in the way they deliver their products, (most companies send their items in a box every month, where Ipsy sends their products in a cute and different new makeup bag with every month.) also because of their price, the fact that they shipped to Canada, and out of the other services Ipsy seemed to be the best bang for my buck so to speak. I receive at least 5 products every month, (there was one month I only got 4) there is usually always at least one full sized product or large sample size, I've never gotten the same item twice, and they don't send out those lame small sample packets. (This has been my experience anyway) I don't always love every item I get, but more often than not I'm very happy with my bag. There was one bag that I wasn't thrilled with, but 11 out of 12 is still pretty good in my book. I think I'll stick with Ipsy for at least another year and see where I go after that. I definitely recommend this service for anyone who loves makeup and beauty and also for anyone who just wants to try out new or different products that they might not think about buying for themselves or have never even heard of. 

After I signed up, I was on the waiting list for only a short period of time (I signed up in the middle of April and my first bag came in May) and I also get my bags rather quickly. There have been a few times when I received my bag in the mail before I would even get the confirmation email! I get my bags around the beginning of the month, sometimes the first week but usually the second week, I think there was only one or two times where I got my bag later than that. They charge the monthly fees at the end of the previous month, and during the beginning of the month they start giving hints of the new items and what the bag for the new month looks like. (I never look at those or peek at my glam room, because I always want it to be a surprise.) After I receive my bag, I go to my glam room on the Ipsy website and review all the items that were in my bag for the month. They started giving points for every review you do on the various items from your bags and also for sharing on social media and after you collect 1,000 points you can trade them in for different items. (I have yet to redeem anything) As always if you want to subscribe to Ipsy you can here.

Here are my bags from the last year:

May 2013:

June 2013:

July 2013:

August 2013:

September 2013:

October 2013:

November 2013:

December 2013:

January 2014:

February 2014:

March 2014:

April 2014:

May 2014:

That's all for now lovelies!
What is your favourite beauty/makeup subscription service??



  1. I've never tried any of the beauty boxes, I've had a look into birch boxes but decided against it, never hear of Ipsy

    1. I looked into birch box and all of the others but I decided that they were either too expensive for me or didn't have very appealing products or good sized samples. If you're looking for a new service to try out I do recommend Ipsy, it's $10 a month plus shipping and I believe they ship internationally.
