I joined Influenster about a year ago, and honestly I haven't been super into or involved in it until recently... Influenster is similar to BzzAgent, in the way that you can get invited into "campaigns" to try out and review products for free. Before you get boxes however, you have to first review other products, take surveys, and unlock badges to build up your Influenster score. The higher the score, the more influence you have, and the better your chances are to get invited into getting Vox Boxes to try out. After getting invited, you then have to take a survey to see if you qualify for the campaign. If you're accepted, they send out your box and a confirmation e-mail and then you can claim your badge for the box and do the activities related to the box. This box was specifically for Canadian members, and I believe it's the first Canadian box to be released. I received 2 sets of ImPRESS press on manicure nails in 2 fun and bright patterns. I tested out a set over the week to see how well these press ons would hold up. I have to admit that I was VERY skeptical at first, because these nails claim to last up to a week! I don't know about you, but that seems like a tall order to fill especially since these nails don't require any glue, they have adhesive on the backs. The last time I used or even had press ons was when I was maybe 8, and I used to just use them for playing and those were terrible, they didn't even last a few hours, so naturally I didn't hold high hopes for these ones. I WAS WRONG! They went on easily, and lasted an entire week! Over the course of the week I hand washed tons of dishes, took showers, washed my hair, washed my hands, put on makeup, etc etc etc and they held on strong! There are a few downsides however, the largest nails didn't quite fit my thumbs and I had to put them on upside down to get them to cover most of my thumb nails, also after a while the print starts to wear off the nail, so they start to look kind of rough, and they would sometimes get caught in my hair and snag it... I think next time I'll trim them down, because they make peeling oranges IMPOSSIBLE and I'd prefer them shorter. Other than that, they are super cute and really do last all week and they look pretty natural (not real, but not like they're completely fake press ons, more like acrylics?) and how cute is that packaging?? I love that they come in a plastic container shaped like a bottle of nail polish! Any who, I liked them and it was a fun switch from the usual nail polish. (I got these items for free to try, but I am not being paid in any way to give my opinion.)
The Zebra Patterned nails are called D100 Dancing Queen, and the Bright Leopard Print nails are called D060 Over The Moon. |

That's all lovelies!
Have you tried any ImPRESS nails?
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