Friday 7 March 2014

Mission Complete! (Yesterday's Adventure)

I have to say, from a gamer stand point, that yesterday was quite successful! It was a good day in general, I finally cleaned up the mess that was accumulating in my bed room, which I always find therapeutic. Cleaning brings a sense of calm and even happiness to me and I find it very difficult and slightly depressing to live in a messy or cluttered surrounding. My hubby worked a morning shift, so we actually had most of the day to spend together, and I'm always grateful and happy about that. We decided to go out for dinner and we went to Applebees. I have to say that the last time we went there was a lot better... I usually never order a burger of any kind at a restaurant, so I'm not entirely sure why I did yesterday.. It was fairly good, but entirely too greasy.. Their mozzarella sticks on the other hand are pretty tasty! Any way, the main objective of yesterday's adventure was to hunt down and obtain a Nintendo! I've wanted one for the longest time and I kick myself for waiting until now to acquire one... I decided Wednesday that we were just going to go get one, because I can be quite random and spontaneous that way... We went to a little shop down town that specializes in "Vintage Gaming" called A&C Games, I highly recommend giving this place a visit if you're a gamer and if you live in and around Toronto! They have a pretty extensive and AMAZING selection for every system, and they also carry the newer games. You can find them on Facebook and online. (They buy, sell, and trade all games, systems and accessories. They also rent games!) I was in a nerdy gamer heaven and I realized how much of a nerd I really am, because I found myself humming along to the game music they had playing.. (Only I would get excited and start humming and bobbing along to the Chocobo theme in the middle of a store with about a dozen strangers around me...) OKAY so, Long story short, WE NOW HAVE A NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha! I felt like a kid on Christmas and my little nerdy heart was overfilled with an indescribable joy! Also the gamer inside of me was doing the victory dance... (Yes I am THAT much of a nerd and damned proud of it!) We picked up 2 games: TMNT 2 (the arcade one) and Bart Simpson vs. The World. The Nintendo also came with Mario/Duck Hunt so we didn't have to buy it! I'm even more excited for my sister to come up and visit me this summer, so we can play some turtles and Mario like the old days!

Yesterday's makeup selection..

Sporting fishtail pig tails, it was random and I think the first time I've ever had pig tails LOL

Mozzarella Sticks

My Burger with Fries (I had the Cowboy Burger, I think it was called...)

My hubby's dinner (He had the bacon cheese burger and a chicken noodle soup.)

An apple bite for dessert! YUM!

I LOVED THIS! It's the TTC Subway Map in a Mario 3 World Map form!

Finally! Isn't it just beautiful?! My collection is nearly complete!

That was my awesome (or not so awesome if you're not into video games) adventure, I'm looking forward to the weekend!
Maybe we can get some family and friends over to play some NES!


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