Tuesday 18 March 2014

Crafty Tuesday!

This week I decided to finish a little project I started for myself maybe back in January?? It's not going up in my shop, but I did decide to start crafting more so here it is! I did a cross stitch of a Prinny! Prinnies are cute little creatures from Disgaea, who were bad guys in their past lives so now their souls are trapped in the body of a Prinny and they are forced to live in the Underworld to pay off their debts. They are under the reign of the evil tyrant Queen Etna, who loves to abuse her minions. I think Prinnies are super cute and I love their spunky attitudes, foul mouths and bad habits. If you own a PSP I suggest checking out Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? and Prinny 2 Operation Panties DOOD! They are really fun games, but they can make you a little crazy when the levels get harder! I love Prinnies so much I named one of my budgies Prinny! (Unfortunately he passed away last year from cancer, so I made this little dood in honour of my little dood...)

Anyway here's my Prinny:

I miss him every day...

That's all for now lovelies!


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