Tuesday 15 April 2014

Crafty Tuesday!

I'm back and feeling much better I must say!

This week I did another cross stitch, it's about a quarter of the size of the Prinny I made, but it still took about 4 hours to complete.. I've been playing a TON of Final Fantasy lately and I have always LOVED Mog and just Moogles in general! They are like a mix of cuddly teddy bears and kitties with a pom pom on their heads and cute little purple wings on their backs. I wish they were real, because I would have a horde of them! Yes, I know I am a huge nerd ha ha! Since I've had moogles on the brain recently I decided to do a little Mog cross stitch, (this version is from FF VI, which is my all time favourite in the series) I want to make a plush version like the one Lu Lu has in FFX so maybe that will be coming soon? Any who, here's my moogle! KUPO!

(Terra, Sabin, Celes, and Locke) The other FF VI characters I did.

All together

That's all for this week!


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