Tuesday 22 April 2014

Bzz Agent!

I realize today is Tuesday and therefore this post is supposed to be dedicated to Crafts, but I've decided to share something else with you guys instead. I'm also thinking about changing Crafty Tuesday to Crafty Thursday, but I haven't made up my mind yet.. Any way back to the topic of this post! I signed up with a website called Bzz Agent a while ago, and I had a slight hesitation and some mixed feelings about it at first, but now I feel it's a pretty good site and definitely worth trying out! It's basically a website where you can take surveys and based on your answers to said surveys you get assigned to campaigns, and you can decide if you want to take on the campaigns assigned to you or not. There are no fees or anything to sign up, anyone can do it and if you accept a campaign, they send you the goodies to try out for free! I signed up in September of last year, but I wasn't very active and I want to say that because I wasn't actively involved in the website it did take a while before I was given my first campaign. If you do sign up be aware that you might not get anything right away, just be patient and fill out any surveys that you get and soon you'll be able to try out new products! I'm currently doing my second campaign, it's for the Herbal Essences Naked line. I just received my box today, so I can't wait to try them out! (My first campaign was for Lavazza Coffee if you were curious.) If you want to sign up and check it out for yourself, you can do that here.

Here is what I received for my last campaign 

And this is what I got today for my second campaign

There are a ton of different campaigns that are going on, I definitely recommend checking Bzz Agent out!
That's all for today lovelies!


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