Saturday 7 June 2014

Favourites Of The Month! (Part Two[May 2014])

Welcome back and as always here's part two of the list:
  • Clothes
  • App
  • Book
  • Game
  • Hair Style
  • Activity
  • Movie
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Accessories
  • Miscellaneous

I found myself reaching for basic v-neck tops and flow-y type tanks in May. Nothing too special, but with the weather heating up they are essential and an easy choice.


My favourite App for May had to have been the Next Issue app. This app is for the US and Canada only as far as I can tell, which is unfortunate because it's a pretty awesome app! Next Issue is an app that lets you read hundreds of magazines all from your i-device! At $9.99 CAD a month it's definitely a steal considering how expensive subscriptions to single publications cost. You can try it free for 30 days and if you decide it's not for you, then you can cancel your subscription. I'm LOVING it! I had magazines piling up in my house and every month I'd have a new stack to read through, (at one point I had a few months worth and it was getting out of hand and making me really stressed out) now I can read them all from my i-Pad and not have to worry about any clutter!


My favourite book is similar to my last book favourite, it's the third book in the Women's Murder Club Series by James Patterson. I can't seem to put these books down! Just when you think you've figured the entire case out, there's a plot twist! I really recommend this series to anyone who likes cop drama/thriller/mystery type books.


My favourite game might look like the same as a previous favourite, but it's actually a different game. (they're just on the same disc) I sort of put down Final Fantasy X for the time being.. (there are some last side quest type of things I need to do before I beat the game, but they were REALLY starting to frustrate, me so I had to back away for a while ha ha) I decided I might as well start up Final Fantasy X-2 in the mean time. I've always leaned more towards X-2 for some reason, it's more upbeat and fun, not to say that I don't love X, because I definitely do! X-2 takes place a few years after X, and Yuna after saving the world decides that she wants to take on her own adventure and becomes a sphere hunter in hopes of finding clues about Tidus. There are new dress spheres and abilities in the HD Remaster version and I still can't get over the amazing graphics!

Hair Style:

My hair is at the point where I just want it up and out of the way, but I'm still on the fence about cutting it... If it didn't tangle at the slightest movement I would never even think about cutting it all off. Anyway, my go to hair style has just been any type of bun/topknot so its out of my way but still looking decent.


I haven't done anything super exciting or really noteworthy in May, (in my opinion at least) I've gone out and I've been shopping and all of that sort of stuff, but my favourite thing was just driving around. I love having the windows rolled down and some loud upbeat music playing all while the sun is shinning. Nothing really beats that, it makes for the perfect beginning to summer!


I've been wanting to watch The Call ever since I saw the preview for it, unfortunately I don't go to the movies very often these days... It finally came out on OnDemand so my hubby and I decided to watch it at home. I really loved it! It's about a 911 dispatcher who gets a call from a girl about someone trying to break into her house, the guy kidnaps the girl and her body is later found. A while later another girl calls and says she's been kidnapped and the dispatcher is the same person who took the previous call. She tries frantically to save this girl from a similar fate and I have to say, Halle Berry is amazing in this movie and she really kicks some ass! It was a really good movie and I definitely recommend it!

I was sick around the beginning of May I believe and so I was drinking mostly Earl Grey tea. After I got over my cold, I decided to continue drinking tea instead of coffee. I'm not really sure why, I kind of just felt like tea rather than coffee. I've also been drinking Iced Passion Tea from Starbucks more recently, it's one of my favourites for summer.

Just a couple of my favourite earrings.


My random favourite is my Brita water bottle. I've really been up-ing my water intake and it's was causing a ton of recycling and drinking from plastic water bottles isn't the best and blah blah blah. I was at Target one day and I randomly went down the aisle with the Brita filters and water pitchers. There's not much space in our fridge for a pitcher or container, so I decided to try out a water bottle. It has it's own filter in the straw and it filters your water as you drink. I've really been loving it and I'm a little disappointed that I didn't think about getting something like this sooner. The one I got cost me about $17, but it's well worth it and has paid for its self long ago. Now I can just fill my bottle up from the tap, no recycling, no chemicals and everything gets filtered out.

That concludes my favourites from the month of May!
What were some of your favourite things?


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