Friday 14 February 2014

"Valentine's" Day...

 I'm just gonna say that I really dislike Valentine's Day and no I'm not a spiteful, can never find a date, always the third wheel, forever alone, might as well get a thousand cats now kind of person.. I'm happily married and have been for nearly 7 years and I've had a consistent Valentine  for the last almost 10 years... What I dislike about February 14th, is the pressure to get some mushy gift and show this grand display of love and affection for your spouse/partner and if you're like me, the thought of trying to find a nice gift EVERY SINGLE YEAR is beyond stressful and annoying... It's just one more gift I worry if my husband will like.. We've never treated this day as anything but normal, and while we do exchange a gift, we don't do anything extravagant. Also our gifts are usually nerdy and not related to Valentine's Day at all... Love is more than buying some candy or flowers and saying you love a person for one day, it's about all the little funny and stupid things you do together everyday that make you want to be with a person and what makes them special to you. It's about embracing them in every way including all of their flaws and loving them anyway. Today instead of buying into the whole greeting card crap, spend time with the ones you love and tell them you love them and how thankful you are to have them in your life and please do it often. Today is a gift and tomorrow is uncertain.. Single, married, in a new relationship or an old love, there is someone out there who loves you more than a box of chocolate and some cheesy singing teddy bear. Don't get caught up in all the commercialism, love who you love not just today but everyday! OK END OF RANT! ha ha!

This is what my hubby gave me
I made him a Vegeta plush, because that's his favourite DBZ character.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day, despite the fact that it's "Valentine's Day"


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