Saturday 8 February 2014

My Gaming Systems! (And Which One I Can't Live Without?)

I was requested to share my systems and which one is my favourite, so here it is! I wanted to make clear that I am by NO means bragging, I've been a gamer practically my entire life and I've been collecting games and systems for just as long. Most of what I have, I've had for many years and have taken exceptional care of, because I appreciate and treasure my games and systems. Which one do you think will be my favourite??  There are a couple that I used to have that I either gave away or sold, like my PS One, and my Gamecube and a Nintendo DS... I have a Virtual Boy around the house somewhere but I can't seem to find it either.. (I think it may have disappeared into the black hole that is our basement ha ha!) Also, I'm not huge on the PC game front, I am OBSESSED with the Sims, but that's pretty much it... Any way let's get to it! 

I'll start from oldest to newest:
  • Game Boy Pocket (Although this one is not the original, the one I've had since I was about 8 I can't seem to find...)
  • Super Nintendo
  • Nintendo 64
  • PS 2 (The one pictured is not my original, we've gotten a new slim one since then)
  • Nintendo DS
  • Wii
  • PSP
  • X Box
  • Playstation 3
  • Game Boy Color
  • X Box 360
  • Nintendo 3DS

If there were one system I would kill to have in my collection it would definitely be a Nintendo! I'd also like to get the Wii U and a PS 4 in the near future, but I usually wait until there's a game worthy of buying a new system, and Wii U has definitely piqued my interest! I only wish Nintendo had decided to make the new features of the Wii U compatible with the original Wii, rather than making a brand new system. I'm just glad you can play your old Wii games on the U.. PS 4 is starting to make some new and interesting games, but I feel as long as they continue to make PS 3 games, I'm in no hurry to go out and get the latest system...

My all time, take it to my grave, can't live without favourite system would have to be the Super Nintendo! I just have so many memories attached to it and there were so many amazing games released for it. Out of all the games and systems I had before I left home, the SNES is the only system I took with me in my carry on luggage when I moved to Canada! I was NOT about to part with it and wait for it to eventually get there ha ha ha! I'll have to do some favourite game posts for each platform, because I think it would be too hard for me to pick one favourite game... As far as hand held systems go, my favourite would have to be the 3DS. I'm glad they can play the original DS games as well as 3DS ones, or I'd probably have to write Nintendo an angry letter (not really but it would be pretty disappointing..) I feel like in general I'm a Nintendo girl and that probably will never change, because I started out with Nintendo and Mario so they will always have a very special place in my heart...

That's all for today lovelies!
If you game, what is your favourite system/game??


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