Thursday 20 February 2014

Party Time!

How's everyone's week been going? Mine has been a whirlwind of being super busy and full of craziness! Add a weird sleeping pattern and some coffee on top and that's how life has been for myself and my hubby.. We were invited to a birthday party for one of my hubby's cousins on his mom's side Saturday, so Friday night was a hectic pre party kind of night. Family was over, my hubby was on his last day of training for his new job, we had to clean and get things ready and needless to say it didn't involve a whole lot of sleep! Saturday afternoon we had to scuttle our way around to find last minute necessities, all while making sure my hubby wasn't late for his introductory flight (he'd been planning on doing one for over a year now, so I was going to make sure no matter what that he didn't miss it!) After all that, we had a horde of people all over the house getting ready, eventually my hubby made it back home (he LOVED his intro flight!) and we got ready after everyone else had left. The party was pretty nice and we had a good time. It was the first time in about a week that I actually got to spend more than 5 minutes with my hubby! (It sucks that life gets that busy, but it has to happen in order for us to get on the road to a better life and a life that we want.) 

Any who, I thought I'd share some photos from the party!

My dress is from Sears. My knit shrug is from Old Navy. My accessories are from Forever 21. My stockings are Steve Madden from Winners and my Shoes are from Payless.

My eyeshadow is from the BH Cosmetics 120 palette 5th edition

That's all for now lovelies!


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