Monday 20 January 2014

My week in photos!

Hey there! I've been back in Canada for about a week now, and I just wanted to share some highlights from my journey back and the random goings on since I've been home!

Hello and goodbye to California and the Bay Area..
Until next time...

The beautiful new Bay Bridge!

I had to get one last pic of my sister and I before I left! Extreme sad face, but I'm excited that she'll be coming up to visit me in the summer!

Bittersweet moment

I don't think this needs any explanation... hahaha

Can you tell I'm thrilled to be back in the freezing cold?? LOL 
Super cute set I got as a Christmas gift from my hubby's cousins!

Newest goodies!

My glam bag came!

Hello Kitty stayed on for quite a while, but I had to change the tips because they were chipping =[

Yogenfruz! Coffee Froyo, it was delicious!

I love when they take a little extra time to put a little smiley face! It makes my day just a little happier!

This was one of my Christmas gifts from my hubby, I was playing it the other day and now I don't want to do anything else!

My hubby got me a Tassimo for Christmas!! I LOVE IT!! I loved everything he got me!

It says 2XLENT4U haha

Random lunch date at Panera! This was my hubby's lunch. He got some kind of turkey sandwich on tomato basil bread, he liked it pretty well.

My lunch at Panera! I got a turkey, avocado BLT with chips and a soda. It was pretty good!

Starting to pick up cross stitching again! Stay tuned if you're interested in seeing what this is going to be!

Felix's new favourite toy! He hasn't played with anything else since haha

Enjoying a Caramel Macchiato at home in my pooh bear cup =]

Thank you Dr. King for helping to make our world a better place...

That's all for now lovelies!
What were some things you did this week??


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