Friday 31 January 2014

Favourites Of The Month! (Part Two[January 2014])

Welcome back! 

Here is part two of my January Favourites!

  • Clothes
  • App
  • Book
  • Game
  • Hair Style
  • Activity
  • Movie
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Accessory
  • Miscellaneous


I was able to finally go shopping for the first time in a while when I went back home AND I had probably the best shopping buddy EVER! (My sister) I got some new things and there are a few items that I've been loving even in this frigid weather.


I've been a little obsessed with an app called WANELO (Want Need Love) It's basically a Pinterest type app, but the difference is WANELO gives you the links to the actual stores where you can purchase the items you saved! I haven't actually utilized this app for buying anything yet, but I love looking around and saving things I would like to buy in the future! I've also been loving Groupon, I'm a little behind on that one but I wasn't really sure how good it was until my sister convinced me ha ha! 


I'm currently reading Orange Is The New Black by Piper Kerman. I absolutely LOVED Orange Is The New Black on Netflix, but I had NO idea it was based off a real life person! As soon as I found out that there was a book AND it was a true story I HAD to pick this book up! I'm loving it so far and the show stays pretty true to the book which I found quite hilarious, because some of the goings on seem too ridiculous to be real! If you don't know what Orange Is The New Black is, it's about a woman named Piper, who in her early 20's got caught up with a woman who was a drug dealer for an African kingpin, she ends up getting busted years later for smuggling drug money into Belgium and ends up spending 13 months in a women's correctional facility. I binged watched the entire first season on Netflix, because I couldn't stop watching! I really can't wait for season 2, which I hear is in the works and should be coming soon! I definitely recommend both the book and the series! 


I got two new video games for Christmas this year from my super awesome hubby and I have been loving and playing Mario and Luigi Dream Team like CRAZY since I got it! I have always and will always love Mario and RPG's are my genre of choice so putting the 2 together makes for a super fun game! What makes this game unique is that you're Mario and Luigi in one world and then you're Mario with Luigi in a dream world! Luigi goes into the dream world and he gives you his power to fight enemies and he can send his dream self into various objects to help Mario out. It's really a lot of fun and I love that this game is for the 3DS, because I sometimes prefer a handheld over the regular systems.. 

Hair Style

I only wore this style once, but I LOVED when my sister curled my hair with the flat iron and it actually STAYED curled for longer than 5 minutes!! It lasted about 2 hours, which for me is a record especially since she didn't have any hair spray! I MUST learn how to curl my hair with the flat iron, because I really love how my hair looks when its curled and it's something new ha ha!


My favourite activity this month was New Years Day. My sisters and I spent the day together and got some photos taken, and we went to lunch and then we got coffee and it was just a really fun and a great bonding day! Family is really important to me, and the simplest things like that make me the happiest. 


My favourite movie hands down this month was Catching Fire! It was so bad ass and really lived up to the book! I'm so excited and I really can't wait for Mocking Jay! If you haven't seen either Hunger Games movies, GO! NOW!!! ha ha! I really recommend reading the books, because they are so good!


No surprise that my favourite coffee this month has been caramel macchiato, what is the surprising fact is that I've been making it at home! My hubby got me a Tassimo for Christmas and it's AMAZING! I bought the caramel macchiato t-discs to try out and I'm so glad I got them ha ha! Definitely my favourite coffee from the Tassimo so far! (and in general)


I've been wearing simple jewellery this month, and it's basically been just some studs and a necklace. I picked up some rhinestone studs recently, and they're the only ones I've been wearing. I got a beautiful necklace from my mom for Christmas and I always seem to gravitate towards it when I'm deciding on what to wear. It's a gorgeous snowflake with crystals, and it's so sparkly and just lovely! I really love the snow and winter, also my birthday is the day after Christmas, so I felt it was a pretty fitting gift! (I've also always wanted a snowflake necklace since the Batman and Robin movie (Mr. Freeze's wife is wearing a beautiful snowflake necklace, and I've always loved it!) I know I'm such a nerd! ha ha!


My first random favourite of the month is my Tassimo! I mentioned already that my hubby got me one for Christmas, and I've been using it EVERYDAY since I got home! I can't wait to try all the different types of coffee and tea that Tassimo has to offer! I have a T46 model, it's so cute and small and I'm in love! I've had a Keurig for I want to say maybe 5 years? I liked it pretty well, but I have to say that Tassimo is right when they say that the barcode brews it better! The only down fall to this machine is that it doesn't dispense just hot water... I know that there are some discs that are just for hot water in the UK, but I don't think there are any here... Other than that I LOVE my Tassimo and it's one of the best presents my hubby has ever gotten me! My second random favourite is the faux fur blanket my mom gave me for Christmas! It's SO fuzzy and soft and cozy and I LOVE IT! I keep it on my sofa, and I just love to cuddle up in it and read a book or play a video game. 

That's all for this month's favourites lovelies!
What are some things you've been loving or have been obsessed with this month?


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