Sunday 6 July 2014

Canada Day Weekend!

Just wanted to share with everyone what I did over the long weekend last week. We had our annual Canada Day BBQ on Sunday, rather than the actual day because it was more convenient for everyone. (Canada Day fell on a Tuesday this year) My sister and I made some delicious S'more stuffed cookies using a recipe I found on Pinterest. (You can find the actual recipe HERE.) They turned out really yummy! We had a nice place all set up but unfortunately I was only there for about an hour, we got thunder stormed out all of a sudden! It was nice and sunny and the next thing we knew it was POURING rain and there was tons of thunder and lightning! Everyone had to scramble around to get everything packed up into the cars and out of the rain, it was a less than ideal situation, but it made for a good story and interesting memories! Even though I didn't get to stay very long it was still a lot of fun and totally worth it. After we were all soaking wet and sort of bummed about ending our BBQ way too soon, I came up with the idea of going to the movies (after we all dried off and changed first ha ha!) We saw the new Transformers movie. (To me it wasn't very good, I was pretty disappointed...) 

On the first (which was the actual holiday) we decided to hit up Rib Fest, it's an annual event that features a variety of different ribs and other BBQ foods. There are also rides, arcade games, and tents where people were selling different merchandise. I had never been to Rib Fest prior to this one, and I always wanted to go and see what it was about because quite a few people we know have been previous years and said the food was amazing. (It really was!) My hubby had to work that day, so we couldn't stay too long. We picked a place to get food from and we walked around a bit, but that was about all. I enjoyed going and hopefully we can go for an actual full day next year.

This guy was hanging around with his family looking for some free food.

After the storm hit and I ran to the car ha ha!

The sunset after the storm was stunning!

Some of the vendors selling ribs.

:p the food we bought... LOL it was all really yummy!
It was a lovely day at Centennial Park!

 That's all for now lovelies!
I hope all of my fellow Canadians had a wonderful Canada Day, and I also hope that all my fellow Americans had an amazing 4th!


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